my thoughts too, i've often wondered if its a psy-op. if not they will try to control it or destroy it before it financialy tears down countries and governments.
In the uk when internet dial up first came available the government and was against it and the media ran stories about the dangers of the internet.
A few years later when they realised they couldnt control it they started giving grants to get everyone on it...
Thats what i think has happened with cryptocurrency.... they tried to stop peeps but now theres 2 many crypto users so they will now try to control and utilise it ... theyl prolly destroy btc but instill their own NWO coin..... ive heard they are looking a a blockchain payment system in the uk to control benefit payments..
They wont put voting on a blockchain tho, oh no, pencils and paper voting here.... easier to change and corrupt than a blockchain.....