
"... if we think like you tell, well the world is doomed then..."

I reckon that failing to keep the reality of circumstances in mind makes one subject to them, and rather than giving up because we could fail, continuing to conduct our affairs as best we can in those circumstances, while continually seeking to improve them, will be the only way to succeed.

By knowing what we are up against, we can conceive of surmounting such challenges. Mesh networks, IPFS, and cryptos themselves are all attempts to do exactly this, and had Satoshi Nakamoto not realized the inherent problems with fiat currency, BTC would never have arisen and potentiated a mechanism to counter it.

The world was doomed to fail to get free of fiat, until it wasn't anymore. The situation hasn't been completely resolved yet, and we have more work to do.

We will not be doomed until we quit surmounting challenges. All of the challenges I point out are being surmounted now, and in addition to the protocols and means I mentioned above, 3D manufacturing, solar, and other personal power production means, and much more besides, is continuing to improve our chances of creating a free world.

It is unwise to think we've won, when we are only winning. We need to keep transforming currency, cryptography, and all of the technologies above mentioned, in order to achieve ultimate victory over banksters and tyranny in every form.