In the beginning Satoshi Nakamoto created the blockchain and Bitcoin. The blockchain was without form, and the distributed ledger was yet without transactions. And the spirit of Satoshi was beholding the blockchain.
Then Satoshi said, "Let us mine the genesis block", and there was the genesis block. And Satoshi saw the first block, and it was good; and Satoshi divided decentralized transactions from the fiat money system. And Satoshi called the light 'Bitcoin', and the fiat money system he called darkness. So the mining of the genesis block was the first day.
Then Satoshi said to the people on earth, "Fill the Bitcoin blockchain with transactions, be fruitfull and multiply this blockchain and let the earth be full of cryptocurrencies."
And Satoshi said, "See, I have given you every cryptocurrency that yields profit. It shall be a blessing for every human being on earth. It shall bear fruit and you shall eat thereof. I have given every cryptocurrency for your profit"; and it was so.
Then Satoshi saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.
Then Satoshi commanded humanity, saying, "I have made Bitcoin to bless you. You may freely use Bitcoin to buy altcoins or invest in ICOs; but you may never sell Bitcoin for fiat money, for in the day that you sell your Bitcoin for fiat money the markets will surely crash." And so Satoshi commanded humanity to HODL.
Now the banks and the mainstream media were more cunning than most people on earth and they began to spread FUD by saying, "Bitcoin is a bubble. Has Satoshi indeed said, 'You shall not sell your Bitcoin for fiat money'?"
So when people saw the profit they had made in fiat money and that the fiat money was pleasant to their eyes, they began to sell their Bitcoin. They also told their friends and relatives to sell their cryptocurrencies, and they did. Then the eyes of the people were opened, and they saw that the markets had crashed; and they knew they had made huge losses.
Then Satoshi sent @penguinpablo the prophet, to tell the people they should repent.
Prophecy by @penguinpablo
Guys, we have sinned against Satoshi by selling our coins for fiat money that Satoshi called darkness. Let us repent and buy back our Bitcoin and our altcoins and Satoshi will have mercy on us.
So speaks Satoshi, "If you all repent and buy back your coins, the markets will recover. Your sin will be forgiven. I will wipe out the tears you have each time you open your crypto portfolio app. The world will rejoice and your sorrow will be turned into profit."
Guys, I urge you... We should not hold fiat money. Buy back your coins and HODL! :-)
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It's hard to get over it. It's funny but makes freaking sense! Selling cryptos for fiat money is like selling part of your future.
You can’t HODL forever. You seem to suggest buying to raise markets, yet never selling. If you never sell it does not matter what the price is, it’s an irrelevance.
Well, there is a third option, which is actually buying things with it. Using it as the 'digital cash' Satoshi designed it to be. In that case, its price is relevant, because you'll be buying things with an amount of crypto equivalent to the fiat price for the item.
It was designed to be a medium of exchange, so I feel that actually buying things with it is quite true to Satoshi's vision!
I agree but buyingbthings with it is not HODLing. For crypto to have any meaningful impact, people need to stop obsessing about the price and use it for what it was designed for. This will allow the decent coins etc to rise to the top (as they will actually get used) and the crap will die out
Very inventive post!! THE WORST THING YOU CAN EVER DO IS SELL YOUR BTC. This whole sector is so young and maturing at a rapid and painful rate. things are gaining more and more mass adoption. payment gateways are being created, banks and governments are starting to accept things and warm up to crptos.... HODL your coins folks, they'll be worth more
There are people who are only doing crypto related stuff or you can say trading , eventually they have to sell some part of their favorite cryptocurrency to run there their monthly home finances so they will do that , otherwise i do completely agree with you and no can hold forever just a thought 😊
Great Prophet. Lead us back into the light. Establish a church and pray to the Satoshi God. May we all proposer and be free.
Bitcoin is the Ark of true believers. Let the waters rise and wash away the filth. The new age is upon us be prepared for the greatest revolution of our time.
thanks for information on bitcoin and blockchain 😊
Satoshi said hodl thus i shall hodl!
The "satoshi" didnt tell "only HODL Bitcoins after you know about it.
The whole concept was genius. However, it gets very interesting in learning how it was built upon others. Luckily, there was research and projects before him from my understanding but he really tied it together and created something never seen before.
Forgive us, Satoshi. :(
that's Dorian's face. not Satoshi. :):):)
Well, Dorian's birth name is also Satoshi Nakamoto, so technically it's still Satoshi. 😋
Thank you, oh holy prophet for enlightening us sinners and guiding us back on the right path 🙏🏼
I had a good laugh but despite that I agree with what you have written 👌🏼 Keep up the good work, amazing feed ❤️✌🏼
Creativity at it peak, nice write up and all you have said is true but people are just scared no one wants to lose, but since you the prophet sent to come and tell us to buy back our coin if I may ask what does the future holds for bitcoin.
One day Bitcoin won't be priced in USD anymore, because all fiat money will eventually return to its intrinsic value; zero.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:5
Man you are really creative.
You crafted it and it has a free course. The words were artistically knitted, and they dovetail into something between the bounds of hilarity and common sense.
Satoshi is a prophet of Holly Blockchain 🙆🙆🙆🙆
cryptocurrency for life. Now just need to know which coins to hold long :)
I Agreed with you, and Its a amazing post, i learned lot of things about cryptocurrency, well thanks for sharing it, keep it up, and i will waiting for your next post, Thanks.
Hilarious ... I love this sort of thing. What makes it even funnier is the fact that we don't actually know who this guy is. So, in tech terms, he's sort of a god.
HODL is the name of the game!
The blockchain is the future and more and more niches find it's utility as for crypto-currency will replace the Fiat sooner then expected!
I am realy glad to see that more and more altcoins are getting popular and adopted... and the best part is that we know already how the future will look like!😉
Ps: Thanks a lot for SteemNow... i use it every single day from my smartphone!
Good story! This is the right decision, we must buy everything! I have 50+ coins in my portfolio :)
Good post
thank you prophet pablo, for the excellent information hehehe
Soon they all buy it... I not know when .... but I feel it ,
because this old banks does not stand up for a long time no more.
Lol its therefore a sin to exchange bitcoin for fiat
Haha, I love this post, hilarious! Resteemed. :)
i agree with you
The citizens of Crypto world has heard the voice Prophet Pablo. We will act accordingly
HODL Rules OK! :>) Clever it made me smile thanks.
You did a good post mixing humor with the bible and the news of the world of cryptocurrencies. Continue like this. Successes
Oh yes great ideas I learned many things about crypto related thanks to share
all the only game only, we see later in the final episode. but I agree with what you say, thank you had to share this post. hopefully a good day. success always Mr. @penguinpablo
this one is rising and decreasing. balance not achieved.
Heh, good one, HODL rules the crypto-world 😊
It's true, I also feel that bitcoin is kind of god, if we believe in him everything will be ok and we will be in paradice.
A then the evil fiat said to the people, sell your bitcoin and alts for fiat and you become rich quick before the bubble will pops. And the blood start to fill the street, evil fiat and evil bankers are now happy watching those blood on the street.
What a meaningful story prophet @penguinpablo, we must join hand in hand to hodl our cryptos because only us who believes in its power can protect this...i will resteem this post to enlighten those who are misguided by the truth..
So how do we trade with bitcoin? I mean, buying something with bitcoin?
And then we said, we are Satoshi and we created the world in its likeness and that's how the WSX was created. But this world to modern times did not become as enlightened as the prototype of the creator.
The trick is to figure out who the real satoshi is. That would tell me a lot, but i am betting its a group of people.
Ha lovely story bro, fiction? NOT:))
Hahahaha! Excelent story, I'll follow your advice :D Thanks for sharing ;)
Have been holding since 2012 and I'm not about to stop. Maybe diverting some into Steemit, but I'll always keep most of my portfolio in Bitcoin, wether it goes up or down.
I had the chance in the 20$ range.. I didn't see it.. I f-up big time.
agree, you did between 2012-2013, wish I knew you then, ,...L
Bitcoin 4 hour made a higher close. But it closed below 8,471.59 at 8,470.43. Usually this means its a rejection. Time will tell. A rejection doesn't mean it will not go higher a bit. Trends can change at any time. The close being below 8,471.59 leans to a drop imho. I want to buy lower.
LOL...love it!
"We should not hold fiat money" ?!
Holly prophet it is better to say: Let's destroy fiat money!
i have a familiar post to this.
You could get to read mine
Thanks https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@riches-utoh/bitcoin
You write a warning to the holders of cryptocurency and that's a wonderful thing, so that everyone is firmly established to the currency of crypto. But why should you position Satoshi as God and yourself as a Prophet, I fear that makes us all apostates. I'm sorry if my judgment is wrong. Thanks for sharing, greetings from Aceh.
Please don't take my post too seriously ;-)
It's a parody on the history of creation in the bible.
Yes..take read at mine as i had reply before this..scroll dawn?
by selling coin into fiat money will incarnate into the darkness. But by buy hold the coin will recover the darkness inti enlightement. So buy back the coin ....
your post entertain steemian, make smile widely
Haha! Let us mine genesis block! You made me good laugh tonight because of this post my friend. Thanks so much!
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Really dear, there was a excellent postv
Excellent prediction. I believe that you are right.
These sacred things are ever catchy,ever