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RE: Does Bitcoin Deserve Its C+ Rating?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

I have followed Weiss ratings since 2001. They are an interesting firm who has good insights. They are also very bearish all the time. I don't agree with the constant bearishness. I have also been mining BTC and using it since 2013. Do I agree that it is a c+? Absolutely! Bitcoin core developers haven't been able to satiate the greedy Chinese mining pools. That's a serious problem. I personally think the Chinese miners should be banned from the network. Hopefully the great firewall will ban them from using their funds. Fuck them! The bitcoin foundation has also always been a shitstorm and should be dissolved. The community for bitcoin is probably the most arrogant group of humans I have ever interacted with. They flame anyone who asks even the most basic question because not everyone has a phd in math. Every other community I have ever interacted with has had helpful members who want their respective currency to succeed. Bitcoin is great! But it has terrible people trolling the boards. Ripple and stellar are crap and hopefully anyone investing in them get defrauded. They know better than to invest in centralization. That is the one main thing blockchain and Satoshis was trying to fix was to make money usage trustless.