Bitcoin is a form of digital currency, created and held electronically. No one controls it. Bitcoins aren’t printed, like dollars or euros – they’re produced by people, and increasingly businesses, running computers all around the world, using software that solves mathematical problems.
Here are some interesting facts about Bitcoin.
1. It is the leading form of cryptocurrency in the world
2. The founder’s identity hasn’t been completely confirmed
3. The number of coins in existence will never exceed 21 million
4. It is impossible to know sender/receiver details by use of bitcoin address
5. Bitcoin is often used for illegal purchases on the dark web
6. It is accepted by the world’s leading tech giants
7. The first bitcoin transaction involved 10BTC
8. 2017 is the year the bitcoin hit a record high
9. Some countries consider bitcoin illegal
10. No single entity has control over the currency
Here are some of many facts about Bitcoin , but one thing is for sure Bitcoin will replace our "normal" currencies in the near future...
Number 3 is my favourite. If Bitcoin makes it that long, and I totally think it will, how high could the price go when no new coins are coming onto the market? If you think the price of a coin is high now, wait til you see it then!