Hey @notsofast, thank you so much for this great article. You've inspired me to write my own which is now posted here: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@phelix/comprehensive-guide-to-securing-your-bitcoins-altcoins
I have gone over some additional topics that are not covered here. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think!
Great article-- you definitely caught some issues I didn't!
I will be updating my article for 2018, and talking about some similar things as you. I would like to credit your article as a source-- I won't be copying your words directly but in making mine more comprehensive I will necessarily be touching on some of what your article said. Thanks again for reading!
Cool! I'm looking forward to your update, cause your writing are a lot more enjoyable than my boring style. Please, there's no need to credit me - security should be a public domain subject :)
If anyone's interested (and if I get around to it) I may write a few guides on TAILS and Monero soon, we shall see!