Make Gandhi Proud- How to "be the change you wish to see in the world" with Cryptocurrency

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Satoshi Nakamoto- a name that will go down in the books as a genius, with an idea that would challenge the corruption of the Federal Reserve. Perhaps he will be the Tesla of evolution of world economics, except with an idea that will have slipped into the mainstream rather than discriminated and tampered with by the powers that be. Whether it is one man or a collective, what I know is true is that it takes great courage to provide a legitimate alternative to the money system, whose time has come to fade into his-story as a plot line for modern day slavery through fictional constructs of exchange. Whether Shakespeare was one person or many matters not in the greater scheme of world literature. Sometimes you just need to create something great.

I have the deepest of bows to this kind of action.

This is the kind of courage that we all need to tap into in our own hearts in order to “be the change we wish to see in the world” and make all those who came before us (like Gandhi) proud that we took action, rather than sit at home in isolation bedazzled by the distractions of social media, fantasy worlds, and shiny electronic gadgets. Gandhi was all about being economically independent of colonialists, so in the modern world, he would most likely be all about BitCoin, and taking action in the opportunities presented for peaceful revolution through cryptocurrency.

So many people talk a big talk, but do nothing. So many people are couch critics of politics, but do not get involved in their own communities to make things better. So many people enjoy the trimmings of a material world, but ignore the homeless man who needs a decent meal and shower, passing him by like he does not exist. What I know is true is this: The world needs us now- not to talk about acting, but to take action that matters. Love in Action, is what I like to call it. quote_gandhi2.jpg

What I deeply respect about the rise of the beta version of Steemit is that it is starting a revolution in how we relate to sharing our visionary ideas, opinions, artistic endeavours, and information- that they do have VALUE both from the perspective of the time and energy it takes to create something worthy of sharing, as well as from point of view of the people who are ‘consuming’ the information and commenting on it. For the amount of time and energy that most people essentially waste on a social media platforms like Facebook, it is refreshing to see how Steemit is creating a way for people who contribute useful articles to be paid for their efforts. I applaud and welcome this change of philosophy, because it feels rewarding to actually take the time to write something meaningful and share it with an audience, that by the nature of even aligning with the cryptocurrency movement, thinks innovatively about our world. That is one version of Love in Action.

Then again, I see lots of articles that seem rather asleep, trying to cash in on a movement using lame tactics that appeal to a hive mind of low consciousness fodder, rather than step up and utilize Steemit as a platform to actually say something productive, insightful, helpful, intelligent and even a bit revolutionary. I am truly interested to see if people will utilize Steemit in a way that inspires, uplifts and educates in a meaningful and positive way, or ends up reflecting the lowest common denominator (let's upvote the good stuff, folks!) upvote-1200.png

Like all cross-sections of humanity, it does seem like Steemit has a percentage of users that just want to blog on these upcoming currencies, not necessarily out of the altruistic desire to truly help people break free of systems that keep them enslaved, but to make money, and lots of it through people liking their posts. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, but I just deeply hope that all those who are in it to make a shit-tonne of moola by leading the charge towards cryptocurrencies have a plan with what they are to do with their abundance. On the moments I feel inspired to buy a lotto ticket for a draw for 50 million dollars, I like to play the game in my head of what would I do with $50 million dollars and actually break it down into all the world-changing things I would contribute that would give back to society. There is no point to playing the game of Big Money (especially if it is money that was created out of good intentions) if you don’t have a plan to give back. If we are all here to truly change the world, what would you want to innovate, design, create, develop, invest in or support?

I encourage those on Steemit to think of this as their motivation for writing their articles, building a following and making money:

"How am I going to be the change I wish to see in the world, when my digital wallet is overflowing with abundance?"

Let me know your BIG VISION for being Love in Action on this Earth with your cryptocurrency abundance in the comments below! I welcome your ideas, dreams, visions and big plans here.

From one phoenix to another, it is time to RISE!

Let's do this. [rolls sleeves up]



This is perfect! One of the first posts I've read this morning, and I love what you're saying and agree with you.

I'll admit to not knowing a lot about crypto currencies yet, and I'm still new to Steemit. (In fact a month or two ago I didn't even know what crypto currency was!)

But I've been learning a little more everyday, watching a few vids, listening to an interview with the founders of Steemit, and I'm getting more and more excited about the possibilities here.

Actually being paid to provide (and find) value is such an enormous step forwards. And the more I learn about cryptocurrency, the more I just have this feeling that it holds a lot of answers for us.

Cheers for the post. Definitely followed. :)

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