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RE: Hexabot Scam - Site Shut down (Still active but not working) !!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I was so apprehensive at first but then I decided to give it a go bassed on all the good things I heard from fellow bloggers (Big Mistake).

In the digital blocchain age where everything is tracible , I never thought something like this could happen .

Luckily I didn't go all in like I thought about doing and my total losses were only a mear $200 , I'll simply write it off as a $200 mistake and keep it moving . I still have lotsa faith in the @steemit platform and have no doubts I'll make it all back 3,000x over lol . In the meantime let's do what we can to make sure nooone else gets burned .

Bassed on the universal law of attraction , that scammer "Peter Shepherd " ( if that's even his real name ) has some sweet SWEET karma coming his way .

" how you treat others is also how you will be treated " in this life or the next .

Cheers 🍻



Sadly with crypto you can easily hide your tracks. People are saying he used a "washing service" to clean the coins so you can't trace where they have gone. The fact he interacted with people in the chat makes it worse.

It blows my mind that someone could sit there for hours and hours making a website and all along their plan is to steal from people.

The people on Youtube promoting these sites for the commission need to stop, they know there is a good chance people will never see their money again but they promote it anyway. That makes them just as bad as the guy running the site.