BitpetiteThis is what I'm gonna talk about today.
This is a new investing site I stumbled upon few weeks ago.
This site apparently provides a new investing method to double your investment in 6 weeks or so how big the investment maybe ,Whatever the investment maybe i.e dollars ,etherium ,bitcoin etc .They claim to be a new cutting edge technology in the market .
Many people do have the opinions that this is a scam site given their points that they are very simple in setting up an account, no deep profile information , Not much information about themselves.
But it's proven that it seems legit in case of payouts as you can see from several posts in the net. So I tried it out and it seem to be paying out as it is told.
I am still worried based on the facts that many scam sites do these to gain trust and once they have earned enough they will disappear but the number of investors are still increasing instead of decreasing.. which kind of make me wanna invest more, maybe this is what they are aiming for to increase their investors.
One thing for relief is that this is a new site means that they will be around for some time for sure and my strategy is to make use of it for as long as you can.
Overall as greedy as I am , I will keep on investing within my limits to try out my luck.
And as every other website out there they do have affiliate service.🤑
If you got spare money sitting around and wanna try out the investing field ,
and also give an upvote .😬
Let's make each other rich..!
Good Luck
please use my referral link