After a few days back to green land, today we woke up to a massive red market again and it's not Friday yet!
In the Top 10 there is only Dash in the green still. The pullback is not as hard as we've seen but still...
Maybe more uncertainty in Bitcoin scaling and SegWit?
Will we see Bitcoin in the $1000 mark again?
Let me know your opinions in the comments.
To be h, i think market is adjusting, all cryptos are not in the red, unlike the other day.. although i deffo see a drop in bit coin before aug 1, even some exchanges are not open on that day.. Good time to buy.. Cos after aug 1 i see a spike, but no way 1000 maybe 1500.. but this is all speculation haha..
Yes. Probably tomorrow we'll see another dip through the weekend. I'm holding on to buy near Aug 1... Same feeling here! :)
Guess there is no chance for 1000$. But I would be happy for something around 1700$ to buy in again
Crossing my fingers for it to "get low"... But maybe $1000 is too damn low.
Such awesome! @prc