Relax it's not possible, the human mind changes states about 10-12 times / second, it's like a giant haystack that where the needle is always shuffled around.
Those "mind reading" experiment are very misleading, they just have the monkey think about a banana, and then some electrical activity happens in one side of the monkey's brain which is responsible for food.
This is nothing, I mean what did you expect? We already know what parts of the brain light up under certain inputs, there are several parts of the brain responsible for different things (hearing, vision, emotions, hunger ,etc...).
It's not like you think of a password and then the password will be extracted.
This is what I mean: Faces recreated from monkey brain signals -
By looking at the activity of only 200 neurons it is possible to identify and recreate the face of any individual about whom a person or monkey is thinking.
I know it is not like reading a pass phrase but I expect it to be similar, at least if someone prefers visual memory. And they have to open the skull and put sticks in the brain, which can not be done by remote on us, but by force theoretically. I think the latter fact is the bigger obstacle. The future "gold" diggers and robbers will get increasingly interested in brain surgery I guess.
Tinfoil hat was yesterday, in future we need steel hats, lol. Paranoid I am today, sorry.
Yes it's concerning that such things exist, but I don't think it's as bad as it looks like. If you read the paper it clearly shows that they first showed the picture to the monkey, and then alalyzed how the brain responds.
This is like a high-tech version of the power analysis attack, when they know what to look for and then just search for it.
But the whole point of a password is that they don't know what to look for. If the password is random, then they can never guess it.
What is it like 5-10TB of memory that the brain can store? And then combine each piece of that data randomly, you almost have infinite number of combinations.
One thing I worry about is brain chips, make no mistake about it, those will be a huge problem. The guy in the article already wants police to use this technology to "catch criminals". I can't believe people are this stupid, this will be easily abused.