Swarm City Token (SWT) Will Go Parabolic In 2 Weeks, Why You Should BUY NOW

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Swarm City will release Boardwalk on June 15th. Boardwalk is their Minimum Viable Product. Their first release was Terminal which is a wallet and is accessible right now on swarm.city, and their third release after Boardwalk will be Storefront (but you don't need to even think about that one yet, it's just good to know more is coming).

Okay, so now that I got your attention, I don't think I have ever seen such good odds for a 10 bagger in such a short period of time.

Not only will the devs at Swarm City release their unique platform (nobody else is doing what they are doing in crypto) in two weeks, they will also release a new website before the launch to actually give people an idea of what Swarm City is about.

So let me give you a hint of what Swarm City is about: SC is a commerce meta-platform where anyone can create a hashtag like hashtag needaride or hashtag cash4btc (can be location specific). So whenever someone creates a hashtag they will become the de facto business owner of that hashtag, and people will be able to transact with eachother under that hashtag by making use of a smart contract (the hashtag creator/maintainer will be the arbiter and decides what % of the transaction to pay himself as fee). You also get reputation points for successfully completing transactions so you will know who to trust. So basically you could set up an Uber or localbitcoins type business up on Swarm City or any business that you could think of really and you don't have any regulation stuff to worry about because it is decentralized and impossible for a government to take down.

If you go to their current website it's already clear the Swarm City team are great at marketing. This ain't no amateur show.

What really makes the value proposition of this coin so good right now though is that it is totally under the radar because the website is so cryptic and nobody really understands what it is about. Not for long anymore.

Thank me in two weeks for giving you the heads up. I'm all in.


Sounds Interesting, a bit like a business case version of Library Credits #getsome (I just made that hashtag up btw)

hahaha, see now you can own that hashtag. For example if on june 15th I registered the hashtag selfie or some popular hashtag, i would reap the rewards from that hash. Scramble to get your hashtags registered, @outerground!

You're all in??? Damn, my condolences, friend.

Definitely looks and sounds interesting - https://swarm.city/ ... currently trading at US$3.79 (4 June 17). Thanks for the tip! Here their press release that explains the hashtag function in more detail: https://press.swarm.city/swarm-city-boardwalk-overview-9a362f19411f . Nice to see they are explicitly competing with corporate-run "peer to peer" networks.

Thanks for the link to the article! this its going to be massive! i have no doubt about it. I recommend buying Digibyte too, its currently establishing a a floor (perfect time to buy) and will sky rocket on June 8th when it gets implemented into Minecraft.

wouldn't you know, it's an Ethereum token ! it seems that everything's an Eth-toke now

@outground, currently sitting on 510 tokens. can only recommend it, growth is steady and on june 15th it will be parabolic but in a good sense. It will continue to grow

I'm very excited to see where swarm city goes myself. Where did you find your info from...I am having a hard time finding a lot of news on Swarm City?