The Russians are Coming to Crypto Space

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

As of recent Russia has started to show interest in CryptoCurrency, Ethereum, Blockchain and Bitcoin.

In recent news, President Vladimir Putin met with Vitalik Buterin in Russia last friday. Also recently it was announced that Russia's Central Bank is drafting a proposal to classify Bitcoins as digital goods to be able to allow Russians to legally store bitcoin as a investment asset.

Just yesterday a Russia developed altcoin SibCoin announced that it had divised a simple way to do money transfers person to person via email that can be used worldwide with the use of its Dash forked coins.


Heres how it works:

Using a simple scheme with a recepients email and phone number:

  • Sender from country A buys as much SibCoin as they need for local fiat currency to send to Country B.
  • Then he specifies the recipient’s cell phone number in the SibCoin app and invents a password that the recipient has to use in order to receive the funds.
  • The sender uses SibCoins, the recipient gets the local fiat currency, and therefore may not trouble themselves with studying the ways to cash a cryptocurrency, or have any notion of virtual money whatsoever.

SibCoin is a Dash fork, employing additional encryption algorithms devised by Russian cryptographers. The coin’s adoption has been growing rapidly ever since the first block was mined in May 2015.

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