$$$ PRIVATE SALE is LIVE! $$$$
Because there are many investors, business owners, companies want to invest in our project and they want a better deal for them. So we decide to open the Private Sale!
=> Limited membership: 30 members, individuals or companies
=> Price for private sale: 0.000005 ETH
=> Bonus: 40%
=> Lock tokens: 5 months, distribute 20% per month
=> Min buy: 30 ETH
=> Time: when we reach 900 ETH
*** And donβt forget to use the staking token function to get a 5% bonus on your total tokens per month!
*** Let's take a look why our project is different from a thousands of other projects here: https://pumpkinpro.co/#why
===> How to join:
- Contact us via email: [email protected] with the subject "Buy Private Sale" and the username you registered on the website.
- We will give you an ETH address wallet.
- You will send the amount of ETH you want to buy tokens to our ETH wallet.
- Then we will check the balance and send tokens into your account right away.
- After the ICO is over, you can freely withdraw the tokens to your ETH wallet if you want.
Ps: If you want to buy more than 300 ETH, you can contact us via email and we have a best deal for you!!!
Note: We will announce BIG COMPETITION soon!!!
Follow us for the latest news and project updates:
Official website: https://pumpkinpro.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PumpkinPro.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PumpkinIcoPRO
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/pumpkinico
Telegram: https://t.me/pumpkinicopro