Im still a bit of a noob to crypto and especially crypto trading.
I found this post a little over my head but also VERY valuable. I am trying to assimilate knowledge from people like you who seem to really understand some key facets.
Overall though what I am getting from you is that not only is it profitable but its EASY and relatively SAFE to simply buy a coin you believe in and hold it.....
So my question now is "Is bitcion really the best to do that?" So lets say bitcoin goes to 10,000 while that seems like a LOT of $ its ONLY double the price of what it is now.....There are so many cryptos of which go up 100% in just one week.......So it seems that there are actually a lot of coins out there that would be even way BETTER to buy and hold....
What do you think about that?
Thanks again for sharing this valuable knowledge/experience!