You have "refuted" absolutely nothing and anyone can see the desperation in your post by trying to claim "oh there's some large crowd of people who agree with me", when such crowd does not even exist. Even if they did exist, who cares? They're scammers trying to profit from cryptocurrency pump and dumps and will say anything to try and profit.
All cryptocurrency are designed to centralize, they all have built-in middlemen, and none remove counter party risk. It does not matter how much hand waving and nonsense you type, these are facts. The base of Exter's Pyramid is determined by what assets remove the most risk.
The amount of black swans that can destroy cryptocurrency are more than you can count. The amount of variables that can cause the rent seeking, usurious middlemen built-in to all cryptocurrency to either refuse or fail to process your transactions are higher than you can count. Physical commodity currencies like the noble metals (silver and gold) do not have these built-in middlemen or risk of catastrophic failure where they can just instantly cease to exist. Anyone who denies this fact is a liar and a fraud.
Since cryptocurrency does not even come close to removing middlemen or counter party risk, they rank on Exter's Pyramid somewhere close to airline miles or Chuck E Cheese coupons. Don't bother posting if you're just going to lie. From a fundamental standpoint, it's completely impossible for cryptocurrency to defeat metals on Exter's Pyramid.