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Blockchain Useful For Solar Energy Distribution - Small Community Alternative Energy Producers In Brooklyn
Solar energy. Interestingly enough, that turned out Blockchain also allow the distribution of Solar Energy in a community in Brooklyn. Reported at npr.org, that the technology behind Bitcoin cryptocurrency this, it is quite useful to help microgrid projects, while distributing solar energy to neighbors who become users.
Robert Sauchelli, the man from Brooklyn who has retired from this job has spent over 21 years to be able to use more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. Because Robert does not have solar panels, he pays by 7.4 cents for every kilowatt / hour in an alternative energy company. The company is Green Mountain Energy, located Austin - Texas.
Green Mountain Energy is a supplier of energy obtained from Con Edison - New York. However, due to the location of Green Mountain Energy company located in Austin, makes Robert less can get the benefit directly. While electricity bills are also increasing.
In the month of April, Robert joined them on a new project. Initiated by LO3 Energy. The company is a technology company focused on the development of alternative energy distribution and consensus building system, based on technology blockchain.
Through that company, do a test microgrid local environmentally friendly energy technology using blockchain. In this case, it Blockchain technology is used to enable transaction processing energy.
LO3 Energy project named with the name of transactive Grid. Trying to build a solar energy trade in a small community, among neighbors, In the tests conducted, there are 15 households, with two energy producers and 13 buyers of energy.
With such a pattern, Robert Sauchelli just bought for 7 cents on every kilowatt / hour of energy produced. Or approximately 8-14 dollars per month. While the owner of a solar panel on the small community of solar energy producer is Eric Frumin. So Robert pays the cost of that energy to Eric Frumin, neighbor. Eric, managed to supply the needs of alternative energy to Robert Sauchelli, and some other neighbors.
The rule of law that applies there, do not allow individuals to trafficking in electricity directly to one another. While the pattern of electricity sales to Eric Robert, through the Grid Transactive system is using the token. So as well as when Sauchelli buy alternative energy from Green Mountain Energy.
Personally, Robert assess she knew full well that he had paid expenses to Eric. He felt that he also got the benefit of the small community. Of transactions between Eric and Robert, carried out using Blockchain. Transactions using Blockchain, can be done almost without any errors, all transactions can be recorded directly and transparently.
When Robert purchase of environmentally friendly energy from Eric Frumin, he can do so via an online portal. There Robert can see immediately how much power is available for purchase. Overall the data had been collected from power meters (smart meters) that has been provided in the system Transactive Grid. The smart meters, have also been installed in homes that have been incorporated in such a small community projects.
So in this case, when Robert transaction done, Blockchain technology serves to handle accounting transactions. Recording the terms of the transaction, keep track of how much energy has been sold, even in details also explain by whom and to whom it is sold energy.
Blockchain technology enables transactions can occur directly between consumers and producers. Besides, by Blockchain, the transaction can take place with lower transaction costs. And even this technology can be used in the process of buying and selling energy.
Scott Kessler, Director of Operations LO3 assess microgrid is intended to make the local power grid, can be run in parallel to the main network. LO3 hopes on the next project, could make actual local energy networks.
Meanwhile, according to Columbia University Engineering Laboratory Director, Vijay Modi explained that the microgrid has the potential to provide electricity for the home. Even if the main grid is down if affected. "If the larger infrastructure disturbed for some reason, then you still have the potential to meet the needs locally," he explained. According to him, in New York are also many who are interested in this idea. There are at least approximately $ 40 million in the entire state of New York are competing to develop a microgrid projects.
Eric Frumin himself, he has cost approximately 40,000 dollars for his solar energy installations. He got the help of subsidies from New York City and the state of New York amounted to 30,000 dollars. To cover expenses for the solar energy investment, Eric Frumin has been able to sell energy to his neighbors.
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