i got legend today :) i tried maly druid, big druid, taunt druid, recruit warr, taunt warr etc but none were really working for me and i was stuck at rank 5-4, but i switched to midrange hunter (no eggs, no secrets -- same list as Bazz 0's hunter deck on hearthstonetopdecks) and got to legend with around 70% wr. i was stuck around rank 3 with it for a little while because i don't really play aggressive decks or hunter decks so i made (and am still making) a lot of mistakes but the deck is straightforward & strong. things like a 3 drop into houndmaster beats even lock with a mountain giant on 3 etc. i practiced by playing ranked with a friend watching and discussing each turn, and it changed how i look at a lot of matchups. i'm still bad at the deck but im happy to answer any specific questions about it or matchups etc, also happy to add new friends
edit: i don't think this deck actually has any bad matchups. i lost against rogue a lot at first but after some experience i was winning against rogues a lot more (esp miracle ofc)