I am quite sure, that the price and his theoretical riches do not matter to him, if he is alive and content with what he has. Because being filthy rich makes some things easier, but only cretins would actually embrace a hedonistic lifestyle.
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There is truth in your statement. Satoshi Nakamoto first surfaced after the economic crisis in 2008, in light of the greed and power-mongering of the centralized financial institutions.
How great, that it is now his very invention, that is slowly yet surely siphoning away power from the centralized financial institutions.
I personally am not so sure, if his goal is achieved the way he wants.
After all, the hashingpower of BTC is mostly centered around big companies.
The currencies are traded in centralized exchanges.
People take BTC as an object for speculation, not knowing any background (be it the technological or the philosophical one).
These are just some issues, a cypherpunk would most certainly not like about this. After all, trading government control for company control would be basically the same in this philosophy, I think.
I agree, Bitcoin may not have turned out exactly as he may have envisioned. Nonethless, Bitcoin paved the way for the possibility of it being achieved. A good example would be Verge Currency
Hey again @randallmaller! I just posted a more in-depth post about Satoshi Nakamoto and I thought you might enjoy it!
The Chronicles of The Father of Blockchain : Satoshi Nakamoto [Deep Dive]