Trolling Cryptocurrency Fans

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I've been having a blast recently trolling a bunch of these #bitcoin #cryptocurrency nuts on another website I have officially coined the words bittrash, farmville and cryptoveggies all around the idea that the people, if you can call them that, that play games on Facebook like Farmville are all cut from the same cloth as the Bitcoin guys. They love the idea of this digital realm where they plant a row of carrots in Farmville and wait a certain amount of time until they can 'harvest' their veggies. I'm not joking when I say that they plant and harvest these fake veggies to turn around and sell them for real money to other jack@ss losers who actually will spend their real life money for these fake veggies to feed their fake avatar selves. I mean you can find games where you take care of virtual pets and are pushed products to buy these fake pets using real money via a credit card. You can even buy a rubber women to stick your dingaling into....ewww. WTH is happening to humanity??!!

I mean, this is going way too far.

I am what is commonly known as a goldbug meaning I believe in the real life, intrinsic value of precious metals above ALL other fiat currencies including bittrash cryptoveggies. I refuse to be distracted by the hype (aka. greed) that is going around the world today in the bittrash cryptocurrency space.

Now I'm sure many of you are reading this thinking that I must be an old, out of touch with technology guy but I'm quite the contrary. I'm a middle-aged dude who has history on his side when it comes to the argument about whether or not cryptotrash should be considered real money like gold or silver or even worse, whether cryptotrash is taking the place finally for gold and silver.

The answer to that is a resounding no.

Now if you're 'speculating' in the crypto space..more power to you. But please whatever you do stop comparing cryptoshit to gold and silver and just follow your friends off the cliff.

Just a quick prediction in writing. I do see in our near future a gold backed cryptocurrency that might actually work but the key there is to acknowledge the the cryptotrash is NOT replacing gold and silver but its replacing the paper fiat known as the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR.

I'd be curious to hear all your opinions, agree or disagree.


I'm ok with that. Don't play money if you can loose them. I'm "playing" on stock exchange for the last 4 years, and 1 year in crypto. Actually, is for fun and all money put on theses are not needed for me.
For the moment, my wallet is pumping,but nothing is real until you leave the market :)
I follow you, you can follow me back for look my futures posts. I'm new on Steemit, but want to be very active :)

I am also very new here on Steemit. This is actually my very first post. I think I have some insight that many would connect with but only time will tell. May I ask where you are from? I detect a strong accent that I can't make out in written form. I too have been in the market for several years primarily in small cap miners but I speculate in marijuana for fun. So when you say your wallet is pumping do you mean that your account is showing a lot of growth? Anyway, as I said in my article I'm all for the success many are finding in cryptos I'm just sick of the guilt trip and the "rub it in your face" attitude I get from them as if they weren't just lucky. I just followed you and look forward to seeing if I made the right decision or not. ;p Take care

haha gotta love the false confidence!! Your comment gives a whole new meaning to the Lucky Charm's jingle "it's magically delicious". The only thing thats gonna get licked is your bank account and my balls.. by your mom. But seriously..please tell me you're diversified in the metals. As much as I want to rub your nose in your own destiny as its gloriously fulfilled I'd rather we all make a butt load of money. May the best man win! and as they say..if you're in 2nd you're 1st loser.