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RE: Bitcoin Sorpresas e Interrogantes - Moises Naim

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The next BOOMs will be......1) when mainstream realization they have been lied to sinks in and 2) When someone makes fiat/crypto OTC available to the 3rd world and nations led by despots......
So I #BitCoin , #LiteCoin , #Monero , #DASH , #DigiByte , #Steem , #EOS and #PryvateCoin ....because Pryvate plan to add all those and others like ADA & #XZC into the Exchange (Fiat /crypto OTC & Trading) as well as the wallet (hot and cold) on their triple encrypted, hybrid-decentralized , point to point app.....and it has anti-blocking designed for use by people constrained by despots besides ending govt snooping for all, the perfect secure comms, wallet and trading app for Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and Nth Korea.