Whatever! If you won't risk $100 to make $1000 you're a fool. Just sayin'. Here are a few reasons why somebody that is not a fool would desire a product like bitconnect.
Short Term: You just received a 13k check from your home insurance company to cover the hail damage on your roof. During the process of getting quotes for contractors, you may wish to lend your money through Bitconnect for a 4 month period. You lend the entire $13,000. Earn $130/day interest. And you feel secure knowing that your principal plus interest can be withdrawn at the end of your lending contract. That's an amazing rate of return. And you did not have to concern yourself with the fluctuations in the digital currency market.
Long Term: Grandma might be sitting on $20,000 in her savings account. Invest this money into Bitconnect lending and now she can receive a dividend of $200/day. Grandma has no desire to learn the digital currency market and she certainly cannot afford to lose her 20k. Once each month you can send her the combined earnings of over $6,000 for that particular month.
Or not.
yessir, I have $18K invested, making $200 profit daily, and already broke even 3-4 months later, + $7000 in referral commissions, bringing new people to the cryptocurrency space, and teaching them about Bitcoin, because BitConnect INCENTIVIZES people to get in and be a part of this technology that isn't going to die out.. blockchain is here to stay