I am an avid hater of Ripple and think it to be well out of place at number 3 on coinmarketcap.
If there are any Ripple investors out there, what do you see in this coin? I would really like to know.
For me it lacks decentralization, is non-mineable and there are far too many coins in circulation.
Say NO to Ripple!
Fuck the bankster horseshit.
Nicely put :)
Hi, @retailtrader I'm an XRP investor. I bought a few thousand XRP right before it boomed back in April/May and I've made good profits out of it.
I believe that the main concern about XRP has always been the "lack of decentralization" as you have mentioned in your post, however, I think it only takes a bit of research to realize that this issue is only a matter of time, Ripple has mentioned multiple times that they are promoting partnerships to create more Validators and Nodes which help with this problem.
You can find this information also on their blog https://ripple.com/insights/how-we-are-further-decentralizing-the-ripple-consensus-ledger-rcl-to-bolster-robustness-for-enterprise-use and you can see the state of the network (validators and nodes) on https://xrpcharts.ripple.com/#/topology
I have to agree that it is not a very "exciting" coin to invest on like ETH, after all, the main users will be large corporations, banks and gateways, however, I've been working in banking, close to payment systems for a few years and I can see very clearly how much of a hassle it is to rely on tools and organizations like SWIFT to support the current international payment business and I believe that Ripple and XRP are solving a big problem with a low cost that hopefully can also benefit the average people that has the need of performing such international transactions.
Thanks for your reply, some things I didn't know there. Will have another look.
For me no no. I'm holding most of the top cryptos except Ripple. It always was and is project to replace swift banking in my book and I'm not going to be part of that! NO to RIPPLE!
Cool, looks like we are on the same page :)
To me any coin is just money i earn when it rise.
That's a fair point, but I suppose there are so many coins out there, I can avoid ones like Ripple for idealistic reasons :)
I see the banks!
Interesting post. I was about to start a similair discussion. The crypto space brings the biggest group of uneducated investors with it. This group will only grow. We really need more insights in the market and previous investment results (even though they don't deliver any guarantee for the future). Besides coinmarketcap.com there is: https://www.coincheckup.com Since I use this site I make so much less basic investment mistakes. For example: https://www.coincheckup.com/coins/Ripple#analysis For the Ripple Detailed report