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RE: Is Bitcoin just a quicker path to destruction? Long/medium term destroying angel... Short term possible Saviour... : A Short Thought Exercise

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing :)

I completely agree we can build a world with more abundance where everything is voluntary and decouple ourselves from the debt-based scarcity creating money system of today. However, I belive we can still use some more positive abundance bringing aspects of money. I wrote an article on how such a money would work! I have called it Our NeighbourGood Coin :)

Challenging the Old Money Gods (Including Bitcoin)! A New Crypto-Currency for a New Society!

Also, it sounds like you and I may have very similar visions for the future. With off grid micro-communities implementing the designs of permaculture to live a more joyous life!! I have actually designed such a community and am sharing its development on Steemit. This is actually my whole aim here :)

Introducing Our NeighbourGood: Intentionally creating societies designed for the 21st century and beyond!

Brother! Thank you for sharing! It sounds like we both want to build a better society! So, lets do it :)


lets do it :) we wil be in touch