Hey people😜, this update is on my dreamhash and coinreum accounts, if you like my funny looking face, hit the like😂😂✊
Follow me and my crazy crypto journey to see if I can make the profit or take the loses😬
Here's the link to the article http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2017-10-23/bitcoin-one-step-closer-to-being-regulated-in-australia/9058582?pfmredir=sm
The cash prize has risen thanks to some new affiliates and it will just keep rising,so 3 people so far 3/5months left, prize amount is now 220$$, check the bottom for details.
Check out my steemit blog too guys,i post on here https://steemit.com/@rikip94 everyday and also check out my discord chanel for live chats😜 https://discord.gg/HNC7nh
Some of these people and there comments on discord helped me understand how to use it and more so steemit, so check them out @acidyo @beyondbitcoin-updates @krazykrista @freedomexist @samset @whaleshares @officialfuzzy✊✊
Join my affiliates team on any platform and I'll chose someone on my team to receive my 5th month earned on interest✊
Use this link to sign up for a Monaco wallet and get 10$ free here https://get.mona.co/IVWT/m0m1CQenrH
7 free entries left,bellow is a screen shot of my Monaco wallet..
my dream hash team here https://dreamhash.com/?ref=Rikip9w4
Join my bitconnect team here https://bitconnect.co/?ref=Leipaul64
And check out my bitconnect sponsor here, so you can see the man himself and the investments he's on✊
my falconcoin team here https://falconcoin.co/app/CI/customer/register?Ref=Rikip94
Join my coinreum team here https://coinreum.com/?affiliate=Leipaul
Use my genesis cloud mining code vK3n21 to get a 3% discount on their purchase, and I will get a hashpower upgrade corresponding to my tier.
Whether you’re a beginning blogger, or a social butterfly, our affiliate program has benefits for everyone.
Add me on Facebook if you want to chat more😜 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005604645482