Things people say about Bitcoin #12

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Quick ride on the comment section of news related to BTC

Full of classics today:

  1. "Everybody is gonna loose their money."
  2. "It reminds me the pyramid squemes."
  3. "It seems interesting but I don't believe in it."
  4. "In the end, the poor people are going to pay for this."
  5. "It's a bubble and nobody regards it as one."

We can't save them all. Especially those who insist to look at it and analyze it as a normal asset class or fiat currency.




Well you are missing the
"soon ill get my lambo"
comment ;)

that would be a wise comment :)

very good, stop by our friend's account

I goes to your Idea. that is my feeling but maybe I am wrong for that. one side that's good and another one you are right. I know this games but with this all.... My perspective blanks. Irrational..? but the fact is real. This is business bro.... Please tell me more your word... I like it. good job bro. I am already follow you.