I'll say it again, consensus spoke and gave BTC the Bitcoin title. What you are doing is not only hurting new customers, but goes against crypto consensus.
Your explanation on Reddit today expressed your position better than I think most have been able to understand you
I think in most cases Bitcoin Cash has a significant amount of Bitcoin-ness. I should have made it clearer in the video, but I'm not saying BCH is the one and only true Bitcoin. I'm trying to say that Bitcoin Cash has plenty of claim to use the name Bitcoin, just like Bitcoin Core does too. Many of the BTC people claim that BCH is stealing the Bitcoin name. I think if anyone is stealing the brand, it is BTC.
Of course context makes a huge difference as to what we read into the term "Bitcoin". It can be the design, the early software, the chain most people just so happens to consider "Bitcoin" etc.
I'll say it again, consensus spoke and gave BTC the Bitcoin title. What you are doing is not only hurting new customers, but goes against crypto consensus.
Your explanation on Reddit today expressed your position better than I think most have been able to understand you
Of course context makes a huge difference as to what we read into the term "Bitcoin". It can be the design, the early software, the chain most people just so happens to consider "Bitcoin" etc.