"Modern" finance ... Behind ideas like ZIRP and even NIRP? If Eugene Fama is the "father" of "theories" like these, then I wouldn't spend any more time listening to anything he or anyone like him has to say.
Bitcoin is what got me investing in crypto, beginning in the summer of 2017. The idea that this was "virtual gold" was what caught my attention. To a key point of your post, that Bitcoin, as such, is a great store of value, has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt IMHO.
Why? Like gold, you can't just click on the "print button" whenever you may choose. No! Therefore, it has an essential property - it has its own built in "checks and balances!"
The future?
Are you not amazed at the rate at which changes are coming (not only quantum computing and / or exascale computing, but harnessing it to AI / AGI / ASI?)? These changes are not only occurring at a dizzying rate, but even accelerating?
To what end?
"Powell said nope, and that Congress gave Fed power to conduct the monetary policy independently. President of the US cannot fire the chairman of the Federal Reserve. Congress cannot audit the Federal Reserve. How are they government again?"
If the answer has anything to do with bringing the above to an end, that should at least be considered a great start. Assuming, of course, that whatever bright idea we are presented with is actually an improvement.
Whatever happens, I cannot imagine it will be boring to watch it unfold!
For some reason traditional finance minds see "print" button as a feature. Yes, these are interesting times indeed. Innovation never stops to amaze me, especially those that bring value to ordinary people.