I don't wanna blast off on this awesome post and thread, and get all weird up in here, and all but I guess the other side of the spectrum is he actually a "she" or (more where I am at) a "they." Totally within the realm of possibility it was actually a consortium of players who contributed to the project. I personally choose to believe it was either:
an experiment that went nuts somehow (not likely)
an off- grid hacker group that intentionally did this to bring the fiat currency to its knees (my personal favorite)
possibly a bad intentioned hacker/ coder group motivated solely for profit (not likely as those folks' egos usually get at least one caught, especially with so much bitcoin Satoshi allegedly holds)
or this was all pre-arranged by a central government operator a la fsb or any other three letter outfit (my front runner.)
Either way we are in the mix and figuring out our own ways to move forward as things evolve and there is no doubt bitcoin changed everything. It's a good time to be alive!