Some of you may have noticed the Acuitas logo at the bottom of my posts. It's a project I have been involved with for several months now, but I haven't talked about it on Steemit. Now that we are releasing our beta Monday I'm ready to tell the Steemit community!
Acuitas is an algorithmic trading platform. What does that mean? We have developed our own trading bot with a user-friendly UI to create a trading platform for the beginner to the advanced trader. You can choose the strategies like BB, EMA, etc. or build your own, No text files to edit! Then let it run and do the trading for you.
Right now we are in the beta testing mode. Paper trading is fully functional and we are opening it up to our VIP license holders to test out and report back any issues. Once that is finished we will enable live trading, test it and then release V.1.0. We estimate that is 3-4 weeks out.
Intially we will support trading on Bianance, Bittrex, and Poloniex with more exchanges and DEX's to follow. We will also be adding in news, SNS feeds and a community feature.
For more information our website is here:
This was our first video with CryptoCrow explaining the platform and bot. Everything you need to know about it is here. Skip to 14:00 to get past introductions.
Here was our update yesterday on CryptoCrow's channel explaining our progress to date.
I am the regional manager for Asia. We almost have the Japanese translation finished and will be launching in that market soon. We are also working on Korean language UI for the Korean market. If you are in Asia and would like to be involved in translation/affiliate, please contact me. We need Mandarin/Cantonese and Indonesian partners.
My referral link:
- Follow me for stories on Japan, Gems & Minerals, Crypto, DnB, Cali & living life!
- Follow my wonderful wife for her adventures! @tokyowomanslife
A chart of various crypto is displayed.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Best of luck with the project @rt395. It looks great and appears simple to use. As an FX trader myself, I look forward to giving your live version a whirl :).
Great @anmeitheal, the UI was designed by traders so it should be somewhat of an intuitive interface. I'm excited because I used multiple bots last year and having to edit text files was a pain in the ass.
Do you trade crypto as well??
Sure, I do some crypto speculation but I don't call it trading as the crypto markets are not liquid enough for that. My FX trading is very precise with small stops, and the volatility of crypto doesn't allow for that type of trading. Any capital I put into crypto is for the long haul, while with FX it is basically day and swing trading.
On a side note, my advice to anyone using bots is to have one for trending markets and another for ranging markets ;)