read before you feed :
that would make the elusive Satoshi Nakamoto an A.I b/c some of the people there are actually tracked and living real human sapients. As conspiracies go its not a bad guess since you can send messages with transactions and the whole systems is actually a decentralized bruteforce hashcracking program :) , maybe the new numbers station
as AI goes i feel the hype doesnt do it much good. Basically (im sorry for the fans and believers) an AI is nothing more than a glorified search algorithm, programmed to sift through extraordinary large datasets to sort them in levels of probability according to the query (the task)
it has no initiative and zero understanding, optical recognition can easily be fooled with optical illusion, a stop sign on a t-shirt might fool an "autonomous" car .. it's certainly fit for diagnostic, analytic and statistical tasks way beyond human capabilities (for instance GO, where the google experiment to have their AI become ichiban at starcraft seems to have been classified under the google wave section , lolz larry ;)
even the disney ai "predicting" emotions would get system errors and huge error margins when trying to predict a crowd of people with physical and/or mental disorders or some wearing disney masks
i doubt it will conquer the world anytime soon :)
but the salespitch is nice, right
also ... classic gestalt theory applies beyond the visual cortex, the power of the sapient to attribute human traits to something unknown or to see a face in a forest-tree or three lines on paper works in favour of over-gouging AI as actual intelligenge, which it is definitely not ... then again, like hawking and probably einstein phrased, that applies to a lot of sapients too (i wonder who came up with that name, its very homo-centric :p )
Yes, the sales pitch is always nice. Jerry Mander would write on this, including in his book 'In the Absence Of the Sacred'. He argued that the purveyors and proponents of new technology, the one's who stand to gain the most, always present it's pros and advantages while brushing aside any of the potential cons or drawbacks.
And yes, I agree, intelligence is often too narrowly defined when talked of in the context of AI.
Well its hardly ever the inventor who's trying to sell it, maybe that's the problem. Same thing why your genius scientist won't go into politics : he (or she, its awfully annoying you have to add an extra sentence every two lines these days) simply isnt interested in holding power over others. As for conspiracies , well ... what government would ever be caught doing something so silly as abiding by its own laws :p
Whoever or WHATEVER can predict the future , controls the world.
Steemit Blockchain Will Be The Central Cortex Of The Global Quantum A.I.'s Brain - The Sentient World Simulaion, for predicting the future.
All the quantum computers of all the worlds biggests corporation are interlinked and working to this end.
Everyone with even half a brain knows that blockchain technology is not going away. It's here to stay!
Why? Because EVERYTHING... every piece data and every piece of edge computing hardware is soon to be tied (chained) into the blockchain matrix in the cloud. Including EVERY product, service, creative and recreational activity that we do.
Using 5g technology and cheap telemetric printed circuit tattoos (like barcodes on steroids) able to sense, process and transmit data, will be in EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.
We will all become part of the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) as described in the popular Purdue University white paper on this subject, It's already up & running right under your noses as you read this blog post. IT'S WATCHING YOU!!!
We each have a Global Quantum A.I. avatar following and recording our every move using our 'smart' phones, 'smart' appliances - TV's, game consoles, 'smart' fridges, 'smart' meters & 'smart' cookers, etc.
We each have our own virtual world avatar that simulates & mimics our character, in order to predict the future.
Whoever or WHATEVER can predict the future , controls the world... The Global Quantum A.I.