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RE: Gold has Limitations that Bitcoin Helps Fix.

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Hey good morning, so i have had a chance to read some more of your blog! and ..... I'm Hooked! I'm a huge fan of Jim Rickards....I have read some of his books. Gold and silver lead me to bitcoin as well. But losing my house in 2008 is what lead me to silver and gold!
I'm 37 years old and I married my high school sweetheart. After we finished college we got married and bought a home.

We invested everything into it...... stupidly(really unknowingly drinking Hank Paulsons KOOL AID)....and then lost it all!But this i am actually grateful for because I have now spent 10,000s of hours re-educating myself about what is REALLY TRUE! And the truth is going to ruin most of USA when the eye of this 100 year financial storm passes. I have used the eye of the storm to stack, hoard, and HODL .......Now I make enough passive income from crypto world to be home raising my 3 young children while I wait for PRICE DISCOVERY. I bought BTC 7 years ago and ETH 1 year ago and just the price discovery of these two positions gives me that much more time for price discovery to take place is gold and silver and alts!!! Then when people are hoarding dollars and USD has ITS price discovery I believe I will be freed of slave dollars and debt forever!