Right now, world is shaking because of continuous drop in cryptocurrency prices since 15 January 2018, as top 500 cryptocurrency are dropped with average 20% per day drop rate and if we take look at coinmaketcap in which every cryptocurrency listed with price and 1 days price change, then only red sign display everywhere which indicate dropped in prices as well as dropped in coin market cap, as many investor wanted to know what actually happening with cryptocurrency, is all cryptocurrency dead or end of cryptocurrency market, there are many rumours and possible reason why cryptocurrency is falling in that one of main reason is South Korea banning cryptocurrency trading news which is turning out be fake and then as per report top 3 cryptocurrency and many other coin 80% mined and now they has increase their maximum supply because of this reason many investor believe there country also banned cryptocurrency so before respective country takes decision on legalisation of cryptocurrency we should cash out invested money, so sudden increase in sell of cryptocurrency it affect coin market cap, which automatically create impact on prices.
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