@PenguinPablo... One of Your more important Posts in the last few weeks...in my humble opinion.
Japan has tended to be in a leadership role regarding crypto-currencies for a very simple reason, in my opinion... Japan has been in an "extended recession" since 1990. That is a very long time and so Japan has had almost no choice but to "Follow the Innovation"...
Necessity is the "Mother" of Invention and there are many financially depressed ( suppressed ) countries on this Planet that will "Follow the Innovation"...
Excellent Post, with good observations & insights !!
Keep Up the Great daily YT series... These videos help bring Truth & Honesty to a world filled with deception/propaganga /uncertainty within the crypto-currency space.
Perception is often molded to bring about the desired outcome by "The Powers that Were"...
While You are away from home, have Fun with Your Educational Seminar Series.
Cheers !!