Further to this lightning did segwit and lightning network way before developers they are doing atomic swaps and innovating all the time so don't worry about LTC I just like a diverse portfolio with ripple being my centralised bet as well as neo.
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First @safetony, I forgot to hop over to your recent post on NEM at the time that I promised; but I have now done so and left a comment that I hope will be of some interest, although the comment doesn’t add value to what you have there. I’m just appreciating your contribution for the reasons stated there.
I must say that I’m getting the sense that you’re a techie guy like me; because I also got into XRP and Neo several weeks ago precisely because of what I learned about what they were trying to achieve with their software development and about the quality of their development teams.
There too, as with my NEM position, I just put up a small amount and promptly wrote it off as a lost expenditure (to make sure I do not try and play around with the position).
My time horizon to seriously go back into fiat is 5+ years from today, and if the money is all lost it’s no big deal; but, on the other hand, one of these positions could pay off just as handsomely as bitcoin has a done for those that got in early. And in that case, a small position taken in 2017 is all you need!
I was a heavy-duty options trader during 2013-2016, and one of the things I like about cryptos is that you can put small sums here and there and still be in line for very big gains well down the road. So, you have much better cash management in this sphere.
Re. LTC, I too speculate that Lee and Company are certainly not going to go to sleep waiting for lightning go public on the bitcoin blockchain. Do please share the news if you get wind of new stuff on which they are working.
Have you done research on the Bancor protocol (see the BNT coin)? I am planning to build a local-community coin (to facilitate local people trading personal services) on top of the BNT protocol. However, SMT will have the same functionality and not require us dealing with Ethereum, so I will be studying both carefully.
We can do private messaging over at Discord.app, where my address is @lestatisticien#7280. You will need to first get yourself a Discord.app account (free); but it is worth it, IMO.