Bitcoin moving sideways.I believe that uptrend started from 05.02.2018 which i mention earlier.
I declared on 05.02.18 that $6900 was my last buy call with target of 20k (before 30 March 2018) (my prediction).
I believe that we will not go lower low any more.I expect that we will not see $6900 again. Its my personal opnion.
Please make your own decisions.
OK Whats next for King Bitcoin(24 hours)?
Inverted Hammer: Warning of a potential reversal upward.
Indication of uptrend by Stochastic RSI
Back in September 2017 same sideways then a big jump.
Uptrend started from $6180
I expect price will cross 9k in next 24 hours.
For Next 24 hour Channel $8000-$9500
New Support level $8200-8300 trying to maintain it.
BB% indicating uptrend as well.
Tip especially for Bitcoin:
A quick drop of $100-200 from support level doesn't mean that Bitcoin broke support level.Because Bitcoin is a volatile currency (keep in mind).
Bitcoin Journey From $6180 to 20k Part 1
Previous update for Bitcoin (10.02.2017)
Want to become a good trader?
Go through lessons (by salahuddin2004)
Lesson # 1 (Support/Resistance levels)
Top 65 Cryptocurrencies by salahuddin2004.
Name | Target | Expected date |
1.Bitcoin | $ 20,000 | Before 30 March 2018 |
2.XRP | $5 | Before 22 May 2018 |
3.Ethereum | $1500 | Before 02 May 2018 |
4.Litecoin | $360 | Before 30 April 2018 |
5.Dash | $1430 | Before 17 April 2018 |
6.Monero | $640 | Before 21 May 2018 |
7.XVG | $1 | Before 01 Oct 2018 |
8.CND | $0.93 | Before 25 June 2018 |
9.Neo | $225 | Before 16 March 2018 |
10.EOS | $19.50 | Before 22 March 2018 |
11.Nem | $3.30 | Before 28 June 2018 |
12.Bitshares | $2.10 | Before 22 Nov 2018 |
13.XLM | $2 | Before 17 July 2018 |
14.Civic | $2.60 | Before 11 July 2018 |
15.Iota | $9 | Before 22 July 2018 |
16.Steem | $10.70 | Before 27 May 2018 |
17.ADA | $2 | To Be Announce |
18.SBD | $10.45 | To Be Announce |
19.PotCoin | $0.63 | To Be Announce |
20.Wabi | $3.77 | To Be Announce |
21.BitcoinCash | $2800 | To Be Announce |
22.Binance BNB | $18.33 | To Be Announce |
23.Dentacoin | $0.08 | To Be Announce |
24.Datum | $0.23 | To Be Announce |
25.Nano XRB | $24 | To Be Announce |
26.KMD | $11.48 | To Be Announce |
27.Firstblood | $2.19 | To Be Announce |
28.Edgeless | $3 | To Be Announce |
29.Ethereum Classic | $46.33 | To Be Announce |
30.Salt | $13.20 | To Be Announce |
31.Vechain | $12 | To Be Announce |
32.CDT | $0.55 | To Be Announce |
33.Factom | $79 | To Be Announce |
34.AdToken | $0.70 | To Be Announce |
35.TRX | $1.50 | To Be Announce |
36.Loopring | $3.06 | To Be Announce |
37.Sia Coin | $1.20 | To Be Announce |
38.Bytecoin | $1 | To Be Announce |
39.Gas | $109 | To Be Announce |
40.Digibyte | $0.67 | To Be Announce |
41.Qtum | $81 | To Be Announce |
42.Powerledger | $3.30 | To Be Announce |
43.Storj | $3.83 | To Be Announce |
44.Bitbay | $0.76 | To Be Announce |
45.AirSwap | $3 | To Be Announce |
46.Golem | $1.77 | To Be Announce |
47.Funfair | $0.53 | To Be Announce |
48.POE | $0.50 | To Be Announce |
49.ENJ | $0.71 | To Be Announce |
50.BitcoinGold | $305 | To Be Announce |
51.0x | $3.75 | To Be Announce |
52.PIVX | $18 | To Be Announce |
53.Triggers | $5.20 | To Be Announce |
54.BAT | $2.06 | To Be Announce |
55.DNT district0x | $1.18 | To Be Announce |
56.Ark | $13.72 | To Be Announce |
57.Khyber Network | $7.37 | To Be Announce |
58.ReddCoin | $0.40 | To Be Announce |
59.Dogecoin | $0.22 | To Be Announce |
60.GameCredits | $9.69 | To Be Announce |
61.Augur | $139 | To Be Announce |
62.DigitalNote XDN | $0.36 | To Be Announce |
63.OmiseGo | $28 | To Be Announce |
64.Zcash | $718 | To Be Announce |
65.Melon MLN | $249 | To Be Announce |
More Best Coins will be added soon, doing my research! I hope everyone enjoy it
Don't Forget to Resteem.
Thank you.
Be interesting to see how your predictions play out in the coming weeks. Resteemed.
Yes sir @cryptojaxx Let’s see
How will it be.
What about ICX??
Sir @js7024 will do shortly.
Are you on twitter?
Dear @riri888 I have twitter account but mostly I am posting here.Soon I will start posting there as well and let you know.
Thank you for the past chart comparison, history repeats itself and people calling for a 6th and 7th wave down to 4K are dreaming IMHO.
Sir @kauaiq yes I declared on 05.02.2018 $6900 was last best discount price.I don’t trust Elliot waves too much and don’t rely on a single indicator.
The more information we can gather the better, thank you for your service. You have to admit this last low played out perfectly according to Elliot Wave theory and Fibonacci sequence, as always awareness is key.
Wishing you blessings
Dear friend.
It's good to increase the number of predictions
I think the update to existing forecasts is first.
People are going through this decline and everyone is still scared.
Do not people have to trust you more with existing predictions?
Thank you all the time.
Last sentence(Do not...) I didn’t understand my friend.Thank you sir @satt9505
I'm sorry.
I do not speak English and I always use Google Translate.
Sir @satt9505 no problem.Write in your language I will find it.
한국어로 적어볼께 친구.
이전 예측들은 언제쯤 업데이트가 될까?
사람들은 아직 공포에 떨고 있어서
이전 예측들이 업데이트 되야만 더 널 신뢰할수있을거야
@satt9505 내 목표가 이전의 예측과 동일하다는 것을 두려워하지 마라. 우리 목표물을 칠 시간이 조금 필요하다. 친구를 사랑해.
Thank you friend.
Your guy is still spamming @haejin's comments with links to your blog. I still don't believe he is acting independently of you, since you benefit so much from it. You need to take responsibility for this.
Listen @trmnl-cmdr I did my best.I don’t know who is he or she.This is your sixth time you blaming me without a proof.So please both of You @trmnl-cmdr @asihajranajma don’t visit my blog and don’t comment.Because every person have some limits.Thank you
I'll gladly stop coming here when I stop seeing links to your blog. Yank your dog's leash. He's still shitposting.
Dear @winnieoriana well first I research then I do trade.Not pump and dump coins.