Empowr - Where Social Media Meets Democracy & Economy

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

hi guys

Empowr is the world's first democratic social platform, where the profits and control of the company belong to Individuals know as citizens.

As you know Facebook is a social network platform that belongs to one person where all the money made goes to the owner and few people, on contrary all money make on empowr through advertising, sales, subscriptions is shared back to its members and the company takes only 10% .

The ultimate aim of empowr is to help half the people on this planet to earn an average of $25 per day by the year 2025.

The benefits of joining empowr is just too much to mention a few I will say financial freedom.

Each day thousands of people join empowr and this company have been in existing for 15 years now and it’s doing great in fact it amazing.

When you first join the company gives you 1000 advertising credit to enable you to earn by performing your daily task.

You will also be assigned one person whom you can ask any question that bothers your mind and the person will help you 24/7

I’ve been on empowr for more than 4 years and earning real money getting cash-out monthly by learning about the site and work,

This is a perfect social economy platform has the marketplace and we the citizen of empowr can sell/buy the real things, so we can say empowr is a full time democratic social economy,

- empowr's monetization capabilities stem from the work of nearly 1,000 engineering and product professionals, over a 15-year research & development period.

Thanks to its patented suite of proprietary technologies, empowr uniquely enjoy three separate and significant revenue streams:

A. Transaction fees on marketplace sales (like eBay and Etsy)

B. Paid advertising (like Google, Facebook, and Twitter)

C. Optional user subscriptions (like LinkedIn, Amazon Prime, and Netflix)

As a result of these three large and balanced revenue streams, empowr generates more ARPU (annual revenue per user) than other existing social media platforms, so it can afford to pay its citizens based on views of their posts.

In the last if someone else has the intention to start a business but don’t have money, my advice is empowr is the perfect place, you have full freedom & control on the platform don’t miss this opportunities like the people who missed the opportunity to become part of google, facebook, twitter when they launched, start your own business from home and work this is the reason I love empowr, empowr is now in my blood my breaths I can’t imagine to live without empowr, now choice is your’s, empowr platform is open to learning, work and become successful,

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Reach us at:

 WhitePaper: https://s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.hipchat.com/49823/470793/f9q95gptZ67BT6d/empowr_whitepaper2018.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EmpowrOfficial

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/HSki9RFxH1fMpy4CESIfbw




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