Good point. Our fear of this could create the very thing we are afraid of. Like I said, I'm no expert. Just repeating what I was told by someone who has dedicated his life to understanding it.
If only I was the Slayer!
Good point. Our fear of this could create the very thing we are afraid of. Like I said, I'm no expert. Just repeating what I was told by someone who has dedicated his life to understanding it.
If only I was the Slayer!
Last couple of evenings I have been looking for articles where a person in or close to the loop would share their insights. I enjoyed your take on the situation very much and in fact read it twice.
My Crypto journey has been only days long. But what I have gathered, it looks to be in the wild-west-goldrush-dotcom state. Many many very smart people are scheming how to make their fortune with it and how to beat the system when there is still time. Hundreds of different cryptos, with Genesis owners holding ~50% and hoping that their idea is the one that goes viral and makes them Croesus rich. Others angling to position themselves in the floodgates, creating (corrupt?!) exchanges. And then there are the clients or users or investors, who are traversing this minefield and hope that some of the scraps also fall onto them.
According to your friends theory we are in the middle of a tribal war and our true masters will be clear after the dust settles - the old money or the Chinese corporate. Or maybe somebody even smarter, who is playing them both.
I don't even know why am I ranting. Maybe in the hopes that somebody rational and knowledgeable would chime in.