
I'm really impressed with these vids Sandra and your overall crypto-knowledge ... I'd love to see longer videos ... say maybe 4-6 minutes :) [Hint hint!]

I'm not a fan of long and complex videos (as there are so many of them out there about CC) but maybe with time and if the demand will be higher I'll definitely do it

Not Craig Grantish at 41 mins, but more 5-7 mins ... you know what I mean Miss Hawaii dream ;) Best of luck Sandra :)

Thanks for the tip :)

Always a pleasure to help you Sandra :)

I can tell you put a lot of effort into making this video. I hope you also uploaded it to YouTube that way you can kill two birds with one stone. I think Ripple is a good investment that will likely hit a dollar eventually, but it is already a $0.41 USDT so it has a somewhat high entry point. It is hard to jump in when a currency is not on a dip but instead is on a constant rise...... having said that there is another offshoot of Ripple called Stellar Lumens which is currently selling for $0.05 USDT a coin, and I think it has a higher potential for short term gains. The biggest problem for me is the fact that you need to use Bitcoin to buy these other coins and the price of Bitcoin right now is $1831 which is nearly as high as it's ever been. I would hate to throw down $1,000 on Bitcoin in order to buy Ripple, and have it drop down to $1600 during the two weeks it takes to get my fiat currency into my account.