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RE: Bitcoin ‘Not The Answer To Cashless Economy’ Says European Banks’ Top Brass

in #bitcoin7 years ago

n March 11th (no presale or private sale– the team would like to emphasize that it has a focus on equal opportunity) and will continue until March 25th.

There are extensive ways for holders to utilize their tokens. The centralized portal of BoutsPro will allow users to access lots of karate information relevant to them, such as details on ranking and tournaments, plus access to training tips. Tickets to events can also be purchased online using BOUTS. Private clubs and teams (to participate in the World Professional Karate League) will be franchised and sold on the revenue share module.


Other developments include 725_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9kNmRmOWI5NjM1MTYwMmE4ZDU3YjBhZGI1MWJkZjQ1OC5qcGc=.jpg