Dude, at least give a balanced view! Everyday, every post had been downvoted. How you conveniently leave that out! What’s your subterfuge motive in posting your highly biased comment here?
Guess what? I’ll continue, in self defense to self upvote my downvoted posts ANd downvote back to the downvoters the exact equal or greater amount. Of this, I’ve warned the downvoters and they not listen!
Dude, at least give a balanced view! Everyday, every post had been downvoted. How you conveniently leave that out! What’s your subterfuge motive in posting your highly biased comment here?
Guess what? I’ll continue, in self defense to self upvote my downvoted posts ANd downvote back to the downvoters the exact equal or greater amount. Of this, I’ve warned the downvoters and they not listen!
Dude, I know - it depends on priorities. 😉
That was my bet on how to balance greed with gratitude. 🙏