How To Passive Income From Crypto Currency Are Masternodes a Good Investment

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Passive Income From Crypto Currency Are Masternodes a Good Investment.jpg

The relevant in the network now one of the easiest ways to explain this is if you ever download a one of the crypto currency wallets because typically what you'll do is you'll download a while it might only be fifty megabytes hundred megabytes. But as soon as that well it's installed it needs to seek itself with the blockchain because remember that in a blockchain all the transactions are recorded and each of the PS retains those school records. So what people don't like to talk about in the blockchain space is the scalability issue because if you are constantly recording all these transactions your database is constantly getting larger and you're constantly going to be needing foster hardware and more storage space. So one of the solution to one of the ways that crypto currencies have been dealing with this problem is that they have been creating these monsters are so what a mustard does is it's a dedicated client that's available twenty four seven typically the hardware requirements. Are a little high if these nights and in addition to having these dedicated nodes in the network they're able to perform additional functions. Because they give you one example in the dash ecosystem if you want to own a mosque nor do you need to learn one thousand dash which currently have a value of around three hundred thousand dollars so what that means is that if you're going to participate in the network of the dash.

The people working in the dash ecosystem have a pretty high degree of confidence that you've got skin in the game and that you're going to act in the best interest of the network. So your I guess what I would consider a more trusted are highly trusted member so when you're highly trusted member you're able to do different configurations. So for example of one of the things that I like most about the monster no it is that they allow for instance and so we talk about different group their currencies. We talked about different block times but in my opinion if you have a ten or twenty second block time that's great you know that's a big improvement on big points. Block time but that's still a really long time if you're trying to look forward to the future you're trying to say Hey wait can I use prepared by a Cup of coffee. At Starbucks if you have to wait twenty seconds to get a confirmation that you pay your bill that's really not going to be good specially. when the credit card systems that we're currently using only take a second look to start by having Maseno is with these hardware requirements with these much higher hardware requirements. And these much of high levels of trust what they're actually able to do is they're able to process of payment. Ahead of time and then write that to the blockchain later on so if you use dash dashes or any of the other crypto currencies Instapaper beaches you'll notice that the crypto currency. you'll notice that the courts are only takes a second to the process so it's much much more like using a credit card terminal and if we're talking about crypto currencies be uses digital cash I believe that this is a very important step and this is one potential solution that we can use moving forward.

The other thing that allows for that allows for voting on the network because we've talked about how important decentralization is so we don't want to have just a few people were able to control. The entire network so we'll talk about the dash ecosystem because that's really the largest mosques in our network out there and that's probably the one that's best known by people. So for example in the dash mustard ecosystem you need to have one thousand points locked away those thousand points represent a value today around three hundred thousand dollars and what happens is when anytime something needs to be voted upon. I'm the master not operate is get to have a voice now they don't necessarily have to but they just have the opportunity to vote. So I think in dash right now they're around four thousand most nights I'm at any given time I believe is around two thousand five hundred mas nodes that are actively fighting. Which means somewhere around one thousand five hundred mustard to still collecting their return. They just choosing not to vote now what happens in the dash ecosystem is that some of that budget gets pushed to and Dow and the Dow stands for it decentralized autonomous organization so dashes budget fluctuates I think between two million dollars and four million dollars a month depending on the value of the crypto currency.

But I can then create a proposal I'll put that proposal on the dashboard and then the monster known operators are able to vote on it so what this allows for is it allows out cryptic he's to be run much more like a business and a much less like a technology project. So in today's episode what I want to do is just give you a break down on the floor of the different boss. knows that I'm familiar with I'm they're gonna be dashed backs up tackling and smart cash now all of these groups are currencies are a little different they all have different configurations and obviously they have different returns on investments.

So if you want to start investigating odd Maseno it's one of the things that I would recommend is that you check out these two websites which all including the links below one of its called mustard pro and the other one is called master note online.

And what I like about these two websites is that they'll actually let you can pay out all the different lost. The return on investment and it's a good place to really start your own research. So if we look here you'll see the most expensive Boston ID you can under them at the moment is the dash Boston art with eight Maseno invaluable three hundred and five thousand dollars. The second one is blocked it with a value of one hundred twelve thousand dollars looks quite has about two hundred and three thousand dollars Sir what's important with all these numbers is that you double check and verify this not one number. That you should be looking at you need to look at the entire project as a whole to determine whether it's a good investment. just because for example I'm Austin art has a great return on investment if it has a crappy team or if it doesn't really have a clear plan for the future if the price of the coin is constantly declining it doesn't matter if you're making a hundred percent return because it's not going to cover the loss of the value in the quite.

So one of the frustrations that I have is that when dash was created it was very inexpensive to buy it. I must know you know you could easily acquired one for a few thousand dollars is the price of dashes continue to increase it's become much more difficult for any user really to get involved. In this ecosystem because you know it's not easy to accumulate three hundred and five thousand dollars with a dash to stop that mustard. So what this means is it's a lot harder for new uses in the ecosystem to have a part to have a site one of the potential solutions for this is to earn a fraction of a mosque night so you can learn Maseno Chas now I'm pretty strongly against this idea. Because what that means is that you need to give up control of your crypt their currencies to a third party and you'll know that I'm pretty security conscious and that's one of the things that I really don't like to do. so one potential solution if you didn't want to for example or in a dash must not but you didn't have that much actually. so you only had ten dash you could earn a share all I must note I'm and then you would be able to then participate so for me that's not really an attractive offer if I'd write much rather just hold on to my dash and missed out on the small return it now one thing that I always recommend you doing is one of the a research project. you should be trying to gather data from two different points because all these numbers can be wrong or a lot of these a lot of this information is just easy to misinterpret so the other website that I'm using here is called monster nonstop online and it's giving me the same information. But what I like is just to compare the two screens just to see if there's any inconsistencies sucked for me. At the cost all three hundred thousand dollars a day no it's a little out of my reach one of the points that I've been watching closely. Which is very similar but it's a little early on and if you want to for example on a mas note on effects that work it because somewhere around thirty eight thousand dollars.

I get the next Maasin arts provide very similar functionality to the dash Maseno it's really just about the core team and it's about really the vision for the future. Just on both of the script their currencies but you'll also notice. When you're looking at these are when you go down to your return on investment for example that in excess of five point seven eight percent return on investment and dash has a seven percent return on investment now the further. You go down the list the higher returns you'll start to see so the two others that we'll talk about today Asmat cash and we'll also talk about pack. When because there are two of the crypto currencies that I know the death scenes on and I've been in contact with so for example smart cash right now has a Boston or doll you of just eight hundred and nineteen dollars and it's also returning sixty six percent are a white each year now keep in mind that that type of returnees obviously unsustainable so what you're doing is you're just basically investing in new cryptocurrency projects before they hit the mainstream before they'd gotten popular so what typically happens as crypto currencies growing. They become more popular is more more people will try to buy smart notes the rewards for the smart nerds all the monsters. Will continue to draw and so as the crypto currency which you is and as this less risk of investing in the group apart see your typically going to say I'm much low are a wise so that for example. The reason that you have a sixty six percent return on investment on smart cash where is you only have a seven percent return on dash and that's a very natural calls. so if we scroll down this list and we look a little further you'll see that one of the other MAS nights I've talked about and I'm interested in is cold pack quite if you're investing for example impact point. I'm going to cost one thousand nine hundred thirty dollars and the pack pointing to incentivize people to get involved in this project is offering a return on investment of a hundred and three thousand or a hundred three percent again this isn't sustainable in the long term but this is what the cryptic parties are doing stop to encourage new user adoption as the coins grow the block once we hopped in low it.

So with this being said you really have to evaluate the potential of a project there have been a lot of scams out there involved in Boston arts where some of the developers for example will fall dash because typically a lot of these groups are cards are based on dash. I think of the one that's the exception is smart cash my question is actually based on quite but so some developers. will all eight crypto currency they'll then go and sell some off notes online preconfigured and it'll basically just be a cash grab because I don't really have any plans implementing it.

That insight next bash but when you're looking at the future growth potential. I think that the further you move down on the market cap latter day greater potential returns up so if you can get involved in one of these projects. If you can stop a monster night and you can be active in the governance of this script their currency. you have a much greater potential to affect its future. so one of the things that people ask me is why do you need mas nerds and why do you need a Dow at all why don't you just use something like big points model. Where all the money goes to the minus to keep the network site and if there's a community project. They just need to fund raise fundraising in my opinion isn't nearly as a sustainable model as having a decentralized organization automatically has a budget every single month. So in dashes case and dashes the largest, I'm they I believe have between two and four million dollars to spend each month end users can then go on to the dash form and they can submit proposals for projects. That they feel are going to be important now the master card operators are going to then base look through these projects and they're going to vote yes or not. Whether they think that this project is a good idea or not so somebody that I know personally. Helives here in managing he is recently starting a dash made up here so something like this wouldn't really be possible big one because you have to go through the forms and he basically have to beg for donations to get something like this off. The ground instead what he's done is he's created a Made up groups he's hosted some made up switch. Which is done on his own initiative and then he's now put his budget proposal which I think is for around thirty thousand dollars to stop eight dash managing made up groups and community. so this community will make every week they'll be talking about the ins and outs they'll be working on suit for example address issues like market adoption. How to go and provide the support services that you need I'm so you can get more more people using crypto I'm dash is also being very strong in Venice while right now because the hyperinflation is creating a huge opportunity for crypto currencies. so by having this dashed out of people and then a spoiler have been able to put together these proposals. I'm and then they've been able to be voted on by the monster not operate is I'm and that in turn is going to cause much gray market adoption. so I guess the problem with the ashes now the price has gone up so much it makes it very difficult for new users to come in and buy a monster.

By having a decent amount of the crypto currency locked up in the master note it means that it's not available to be publicly traded on the market. so if we look at these for crypto currencies that I'm reviewing dash right now has almost sixty percent of their heart circulating supply tied up in the mosque index has around thirty six percent. Not cash has around twelve percent and Pat Quinn has around fifty three percent so this means at any given time you're not going to happen you're not going to be nearly as susceptible to pump and dump you're not going to be really susceptible to having a huge amount of coins being dumped on the market because most of those coins in circulation are actually being tied up for long term investments you also say when it comes to governments. That the lower the cost of the mosque no more people are able to participate in the network. so even though Pat Quinn has a market cap.And always compared to dash is two point five billion you'll see that it almost has the same number of monsters now. you'll see impact point for example to the mosque.And the value of the coin continues to increase the mustard rule.

It just gives you an idea of the huge potential of these mas nerds and the huge potential of getting involved with the right project specially early on one of the things. That I also want to make you aware of is when you're reviewing the script the currencies you can't really just focus on one number because one number can be very deceptive site for example. you need to have a much better understanding of how the cryptic parts he works as a whole to be able to invest on it Sir dashes break down right now is forty five percent of the fees go to the minus forty five percent go to the night operators and ten percent go to the doubt now effects has a very simple structure with forty five percent go to the stakeholder. all stakeholders forty five percent go to the mosque not operate as I'm and this season's backwards and forwards to make people how to manipulate and then ten percent goes to the doubt now. What I'm looking at Z. cash seventy percent of their money because the Dow only ten percent goes to the smock not operate as five percent goes to the mine is and if they sent the stake holders. And it finally we're going down the pike point thirty five percent goes to minus twenty five percent because the blood operators fifty percent goes the Dow and five percent goes to charity. so these are all different types of ecosystems that are running on different crypto currencies in the same way that different countries have different political systems different crypto currencies have different ways of administering their network. so I wouldn't just look at any one of these I would try to get as much information as possible on any of these groups are currencies that I'm interested in I would then try to research.

So on this Article useful if you did spot any mistakes or you have any comments please leave a comment box.


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