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RE: Globalist Takeover Of The Internet Moves Into Overdrive

in #bitcoin8 years ago

The people who wish to regulate and censor are dinosaurs. They can't do it them selves they need other's to do it for them. They need to make people afraid so they will latch on to any idea said to have merit in an attempt to make us safer. Had a conversation today with a man from kentucky. He said ya don't need a license for a gun. Take Chicago which has some of the toughest gun laws in the U.S and also one of the highest murder rates if not the highest and gun crime that are off the charts. Government created regulations making it a crime to defend your self so criminals obviously jumped all over that loophole, because now there is a gap or a delay between the time a crime starts to the time help arrives and criminals know it. When everyone has the right to defend them selves and the means people tend to be a lot more respectful. Its a shame we have forgotten that we have the power to regulate government.


unfortunately, those dinosaurs have convinced a very large flock of sheeple that agree and are willing to viciously attack anyone who disagrees. Emperor Obama empowered generations of haters that don't believe in or support any of the tenets of the US constitution - oh, unless it is only for themselves. Anything that is yours is theirs. It is easy to see in the news in the US freedom of speech is dead, freedom of association is dead, freedom to own a gun is on life support, private property? They're coming for that, they barely need an excuse.

It is very disconcerting that the vast minority have so much control over the vast majority. Government is the mean's by which that control is exerted. People may be asleep at the wheel and while it is a daunting task to wake them up, wake them up we shall. Starting at home and moving outwards. An empire crumbles from the outside in, while knowledge is spread outward from the core. I understand the struggles we face, it seems next impossible to wake the person who sleeps next to me yet alone anybody else but every now and then I see a glimmer of hope. #thestruggle is real. Keep grinding, keep moving forward and let our cynicism be our fuel to promote change and not our cross to bear.