
Oh, not this paranoical search for NWO again...

...or something in between?

Bix quotes "good guys" vs "bad guys". I think "bad guys" vs "bad guys". All you can do is diversify and hope some of your investments survive.

And do it intelligently like a "Bad Guy" as they have known how to protect themselves for centuries. Maybe through an LLC.

Love Bix! His Crypto picks are doing great too!

I still prefer a gold eagle in my hand of crypto. I still diversify a bit if it can take down the central banker cartel.
I joke that bitcoin people should start buying shares of JPmorgan and goldman sachs. How funny would that be if a crypto man unseated Dimon

As McAfee stated, it doesn't matter.

The cat has been let out of the bag. Pandora has opened the box. We have been shown a world without bankers, and we want it.

If bitcoin is an NWO tool, we will just fork it.
... wait, we already did that.

It does matter, because you need a government issued ID and internet access to legally use cryptocurrencies. Who controls the gateways to all crypto? Internet service providers, and who controls those? As soon as the government decides to regulate crypto, you might think you can hide your crypto from them, but you cant hide your body from them. If you go against their regulations, theyll let you keep your bitcoin, but theyll throw YOU in jail and seize all your other assets to pay the fines theyll charge you. And be sure that the requirements for internet access in the future will require you to agree to the religious views of the global community (e.g., the Luciferians of the NWO... or "Antichrist").

I suggest you listen to more Bix Weir.

You do not need govern-cement ID to trade cryptos. You do not even need the internet.
There are ways around it all.

Lets take the gray and black markets. Are they illegal? Oh yes.
Can T.P.T.shouldn'tB. stop them? No.

When there is a demand, someone will try to fill that demand.
Even in communist russia. Even in USSA prisons.

They do not have enough people to lock everybody up.
Not, that they are not going to try. (See FEMA camps)

And so, learn to disguise or hide your tracks now, while it is easy to learn.
And remember, if things are going to be as you wrote, NOTHING you do will be worth anything. It will all be luck. Whether they come for you in the middle of the night, or your neighbor, will all be luck.

So, I will work with crypto-currencies and spread them far and wide. Because, history has always taught us, that govern-cements are temporary.

God bless you for giving this warning to people. And just because crypto is a plan doesnt mean it isnt a good investment now. BUY! And then enjoy the brief period of time you will have to profit from this wealth before the Antichrist steps in and demands that you agree to his religious views or else have your access to the blockchain DENIED. Crypto is the beginning of the final fulfillment of Revelation 13:17, as far as the financial aspect of that prophecy is concerned.


There's just one thing I haven't been able to wrap my head around - all cryptos are valued in fiat. What determines the value when the fiat system crashes/resets? And yes I like cryptos and the blockchain technology and I own some gold and silver. Diversify...

I'm into BTC, as well as (4) alt-coins, with more to follow, but there has always been just a bit of uncertainty about it all, at least with BTC. I feel more at ease with the tokens that are backed by a sound business, however.

Thanks for the post. It helped me to clarify some things that were puzzling me.

Listened this morning at the gym. This was an excellent interview! Sean, you’re a star journalist. I’ve followed you for a long time. Perhaps since your arrival on youtube. I so appreciate you covering all sides of truth and fact and opinion!

I'm quite optimistic but I know that any tool for change that is seemingly positive could very easily be manipulated to do harm and the technology is itself is capable of freeing the world or enslaving it. That depends on us though, and our ability to work together and keep our eyes open. I'm not getting involved in crypto blindly. I realize these jumps and falls are very easily part of someone's plan. But all I can do is focus on community and my own direction and ability to support what deserves support.