
steemit - fantastic.gif report!

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

im glad to hear it from you.

For me, it's fun.

My friend says "Bitcoin always gets the party started"

Thanks man!

Dont forget Steem itself in that list!

BitShares (BTS) should also be in that list!

Ya gotta love Dan Larimer, so damn smart.

Love you SGT Report and Clif High-- 100% Upvoted, foillowing, Resteemed!

Thanks a lot dakini5d :)

When are you getting Clif back on!?

If you want a really mind blowing prediction on the Bitcoin price just check out this article. @haejin is making the case that Bitcoin could reach $3.6 million on the top of this emerging fractal. It sounds completely insane, but the more I look at the chart, the more I believe it could happen...

Cheers sean, very similar story to me with ETH and litecoin, had a MASSIVE shopping spree with everything in the red yesterday yesterday yesyerday! Resteemed!

Cheers wakeup. & thanks for the resteem brother! :)

"If there's one thing I can impress on you with this article, it's this: Do your OWN research and go with your gut.....
As always, conduct your own due diligence before investing a nickel in anything. Happy investing. If you have any crypto advice or investment ideas please share them in the comments below...",
is what you're saying Sean.

For starters,
1- Litecoin's Charlie Lee sold his remaining holdings because....rumor has it that Suckerberg's FB is going to use it to maintain & enhance control of the goyim.

2-Peter Thiel, 'PayPal co-founder, Bilderberg attendee, Facebook board member, PALANTIR founder' funded Ethereum and is a goyim owner.

3- Frank Giustra, 1st-class slimeball connected to the HillBillies and pedophile, founder / owner of: Lionsgate (the movie production company), the Fiore Group, and The Boy's Club a HIVE key founder / owner.
Giustra the goyim doing Bill& Hill's sub-subcontracting work for Lynn Forester de Rothschild & Evelyn Robert d.R.
See comment section here:

Well Sean, my gut says time to vomit
And I'm only getting started.
WHAT do YOU see Sean?
$$$, or, the truth?

I like things that move.

well said!

very important video..........
thnx for sharing this video
i like this ype vdo

You know, at some point today, I felt really queasy. It came and went. Maybe the prices of crypto had something to do with it, like some sort of psychic connection :p

It's going back up and that's always good.

Yeah, Friday's action had a different feel to it. After days down already, it felt like BTC could go to $1,000. One wonders "who" was behind so much selling and HOW they accomplished it, when one looks at that chart Turd Ferguson (Craig) posted.

Yeah. It's speculation, but I do think that there are forces and entities trying to bring down Bitcoin, in the sense of make it look not legit and make people think it's bad, so they are attacking it by trying to do a pump and dump with it to "prove" that it's a bubble. I'm not too worried about those guys. This is bigger than them.

Nice article. Thanks for the write up!

Watching Bitcoin slide ever since futures began trading sure is interesting.

Take note of the fact that we have Christmas and four days of complete freedom from the futures market - which will be closed!👌

fight, my thoughts EXACTLY!
... "with the criminals on Wall Street now home for the holidays - or worshipping Satan and sacrificing children for the next few days - Bitcoin will get a much needed reprieve."

I am very glad that you have gotten into the crypto arena.

Now, if we can only pull Chris Duane along for the ride, too.
Crypto-currencies are just what Chris Duane has been working towards in his future economy discussions (but replace crypto with silver)

And like McAfee says, pandora's box has been opened.
It really doesn't matter if T.P.T.shouldn'tB. control bitcoin. Any geek can fork bitcoin, and viola, already out from under their control.

Happy to be here builder, really looking forward to the launch of Dan Larimer's EOS.

I love clif high. His report , paid for itself. His intellect of off the charts.

And i just bought his newest report. Its one of those you read several times over. Lol

Wow bitcoin 3500 haha. And bitcash 245 haha. Man i was watching the prices during that time never jumped in. Man surreal.