
Bitcoin (cryptocurrencies in general) is part of the NWO global financial reset plan. Bitcoin was launched in 2009, right after the financial crisis of 2008, and it is going mainstream in 2018, just as the famous cover of The Economist predicted (January 9, 1988, Vol. 306, pp 9-10) that we should all "get ready for a global currency."

If you believe that Satoshi Nakomoto invented bitcoin, then you should also believe that Al Gore invented the internet. Cryptography research is done by the deep state, for the deep state. And just like the internet was initially rolled out as a libertarian tool for people to use freely, only to be co-opted and censored later, so crypto was rolled out under the same false banner with central planners prepared to take it back after mainstream adoption occurs.

And just like the internet was in fact (in hindsight) part of the global control grid, so will cryptocurrencies prove to be. Bitcoin may be benign, but in 10 years when we see all buying and selling on earth occurring on blockchains, then the global government will step in and take over.

I know this because the Bible says so: Revelation 13:17, "that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

interesting, if what you are saying is true, then in 2018 we will not have a choice but to use it in daily transaction like the currently used dollar currency. So isn't it still better to own some now?

No i'm not saying it will be manditory or universal in 2018, I'm saying it will begin to achieve mainstream adoption in 2018. Banks, governments, and merchants will start using it regularly. There is much more experimentation and beta-testing that must occur before it can replace existing financial systems. But the drill will "go live" in 2018, so to speak. And from there, crypto will slowly eat all other financial tools.

There are traces of bitcoin ideas at cypherpank fidonet from like 1995.
And you're paranoic.

What you say is possible, but I think most people in the crypto space, myself included, do not believe that for the simple reason that blockchain technology is a direct threat to banks and governments. And those two entities are pretty much one and the same. If the deep state created bitcoin, they basically authored their own demise. As for your reference to that famous revelations verse, believing that it refers to bitcoin is a large leap of the imagination. It could be bitcoin but it could also be microchips, bitshares or any one of a 1000 cryptos. Maybe it's a tattoo on your forehead, who can say for sure?

No, they rolled out cryptos on the sly, because honestly would you have accepted them if the narrative had been different? If the governments or banks had said, "Hey everyone, turn in your dollars in exchange for digital tokens now!" Well, no one would have cooperated, and bitcoin would have been unwelcomed. But by releasing it from the grass roots angle, and allowing us to profit from it (for a while), they make us love it and support it. It is hegelianism at its finest.

I think bitcoin is a beta test of the system they will launch 5 or ten years from now, and then that final system will be the platform for enforcing the mark of the beast, at least in terms of the beast's control over all buying and selling on earth. Without internet access and permission to access a particular blockchain through a client (i.e., a wallet), you cant buy or sell in that cryptocurrency.

That is why we suddenly have to go through all of this KYC and AML crap to buy crypto: you will have to be given permission to access the network and the NWO will control all the gateways.

Do a google search using "blockchain central banks" and see how this process is unfolding right now.

Great interview Sean.
DQ is a great guy who I've been following since the first time you had him on. BTC to a $Million?! I sincerely hope so, although I do wonder what the buying power of a $M will be if/when that happens. I hope it's due to market forces rather than hyperinflation. I love the cryptos and own many but I'll never give up on Gold and Silver, they have the history of protecting your wealth and will always do so. Hopefully BTC etc will do that too in the future but right now they a fun roller coaster to be involved in.
Thanks for all your great work buddy.

@sgtreport Thank You for all you do to post Truth. It seems to me that Monday Morning is going to be a VERY INTERESTING day in the news cycle here in the U S A. I will edit this with more detail if it unfolds throughout the day. Fear Not..................

I’ve been buying silver for several years now, but I’ve been discouraged by the suppression of the price for this long. Has anyone else started getting into crypto currencies for this reason?

Same here, It's been too long and painful years while watching bitcoin rise, so i got into crypto since early this year

Very good interview, I am also following David. Sometimes the price of silver is outrageously low compared to bitcoin. Better to own both just in case