The last Days and Weeks where quite curious on the biggest "Altcoin" Exchange Poloniex.
there has been a lot of Disabling Wallets happend within the last Weeks without any knowledge to their customers, why this is happend.
some investigations shows that this "Withdraw and Deposits" from/to Poloniex happens often if there is a so called "Pump" on the rest of the exchanges.
so happend with a Cryptocurrency known as "Digitalnote" or XDN a few weeks ago. Poloniex claimed to have "problems" syncing the wallets for weeks, while there hasnt been any problems on any other exchange with XDN. this coin also will be removed from polo before 4th January 2017 - even tough this coin has much more volume than a lot of others...quiet curious.
the Devs of XDN made a statement to this case:
Quote from: dNote on December 19, 2016, 11:23:45 AM
In the next 24-48 hours, we will provide a public statement regarding Poloniex - XDN delisting
and the high possibility of Poloniex-Monero relationships (possible insider trading)
and upcoming Monero January 2017 RingCT release ...
Stay tuned, prepare your popcorn ...
Today another Coin was pumped => so called CRYPTONITE or XCN. This coin also has been pumped the last few hours - and can be sold for an value 3 times higher that it is on poloniex. Again this Wallet has bin "disabled", without any reason or "warning" that the wallet will be disabled within the next hours.
Another coin that has been disabled the last few hours was the so called SIACOIN or SC which also has been disabled without any reason or information to the customers.
Also questions done to admins are only avoided with meaningless answers.
This Behaviour has been noticed before on several Exchanges - doing something called an "EXIT SCAM".
Within an Exit Scam a Page or Exchange - do several suspicious trading with the money from their customers. in the end, they cant stand against it anymore, and take the money, and go down under.
this increase in "disabling" wallets without reason may be a first clue for an upcoming event ?!
Update from the XDN Devs:
Poloniex exchange & Cryptocurrency Market Manipulation
Pure facts
Fact M1. XDN deposits on Poloniex were "frozen" with no explicable reason and with no explanation for about 2 months.
Proof from the page 63
Fact M1.1. XDN deposits were frozen by Poloniex admins determination with NO technical reason behind that decision.
There were NO changes in XDN API in that period if Poloniex successfully processed XDN deposits before October 2016,
There was NO reason to stop it in October.
XDN Seed nodes count is always more than 5 and Poloniex has a long XDN peerlist from any XDN version they used.
First message about Poloniex deposits here - October 9, 2016:
Fact M2. There was ONLY Poloniex XDN service interruption. For almost 2 months.
Fact M2.1. There were NO service interruptions in other XDN exchanges in that period: and worked correctly worked correctly
Fact M3. P-U-M-P First signs of the upcoming XDN Poloniex pump. October 10, 2016. Volume up x7 times. Price range 21-22 satoshi.
Fact M3.1. Deposits were frozen.
Fact M4. October 17, 2016. A Massive XDN pumps with frozen deposits. Volume up >x200 times. Price range 31-43 satoshi.
Fact M4.1. Only Poloniex pump, NOT other exchanges. Deposits were frozen.
Fact M5. November 12, 2016. Poloniex deposits reactivated after the major XDN merged mining update.
Fact M5.1. There were NO XDN API changes.
Poloniex exchange & semi-fraud delisting policy. Users can never see their coins
Poloniex compromised itself with their coins delisting policy and scam-alike activity when dozens of people are affected by Poloniex coins delisting policy and when Poloniex users can't withdraw their coins.
Fact D1. There is NO reason to delist XDN from Poloniex except scare.
Fact D1.1. Volume is NOT the reason to delist.
You can check XDN volume at Poloniex and notice > 300 BTC spikes in the recent 2 months and pretty big monthly volumes.
Fact D2. There is NO reason to delist XDN from Poloniex except scare. Part 2.
Fact D2.1. Network security is NOT the reason to delist. XDN network is much more secure now, after the recently merged mining update.
Fact DM3. D-U-M-P Poloniex usually announces their delistings "suddenly overnight". Causing and possibly provoking a huge coin dumps on different coins.
Fact DM3.1. There were never nor delisting reason explaining nor appealing to the community or devs. for (nonexistent) reason resolution.
Fact SM4. There can't be a confidence that all the users will catch the time to withdraw their coins.
Fact SM4.1 There were a number of reports by users who suffered from Poloniex delisting policy and will never see their coin again.
Fact DMS5. Poloniex delistings are pretty frequent and usually, affect the actively trading markets.
Fact DMS5.1. Poloniex delistings are frequently associated with massive dumps. Like you see now in this coins after the recent Poloniex announce
On January 4th 2017, the following markets will be delisted: MMNXT, BITCNY, NBT, DIEM, LTBC, RDD, XST, XCN, XDN, SYNC, CGA, GEO, BLOCK, 1CR
Poloniex exchange can be involvement in cryptocurrency insight trading
Fact I1. Poloniex is very loyal to the XMR.
Fact I1.1. XMR suddenly became a basic cryptocurrency on Poloniex. Not Ethereum.
Fact I1.2. XMR suddenly became available on Poloniex margin trading.
Fact I2. There is NO reason to delist XDN from Poloniex except scare. Part 3.
Fact I2.1. XDN is one of the main XMR competitors. Many of XDN features are more progressive than XMR features.
Fact I2.2. Recent XDN update made XDN much more secure, the upcoming PoA will elevate XDN security above XMR.
Poloniex facts abbreviations used above
M - market manipulation
D - delistings
I - insight trading
S - semi-fraud activity
Poloniex usually has no reasons to delist coins except Poloniex possible involvement in cryptocurrency market manipulation, cryptocurrency insight trading, pump-and-dump schemes, sometimes even holding users coins.
The recent announce of XDN delist probably is a part of another cryptocurrency market manipulation, cryptocurrency insight trading, pump-and-dump scheme and may be related to Poloniex-XMR abnormal loyalty and the fact that XDN is one of the main XMR competitors now and especially in future. XMR-Poloniex holders are scared.
Suggestions for the Poloniex XDN users. Move to HitBTC or Bittrex.
Move your coins from the Poloniex ASAP. Move it to other exchanges like and or move it to your wallet.
There are at least two mature XDN exchanges: - Trading XDN and FCN (the only exchange trading FCN now).
Fast respond to devs requests, it is a pleasure to contact HitBTC support, they always do fast updates. XDN market - FCN market - - Trading only XDN now, hope will add FCN soon too.
Fast respond to devs requests, very friendly admins too. XDN market -
If the developers said something, it would be the most action I have ever seen from XDN developers. Everywhere you look on their website, git repository, it is like a ghost town. XDN is an interesting concept, but poorly executed. Zero engagement with their community.
Well described