
Why the nice comment but no upvote? I am seeing it a lot lately and it's starting to annoy me. Sorry to get in your face it has just been getting to me and you the first person I said it to

Its ok for saying so, but i have already consumed votes today, my voting power is down and need to recharge, as you know it take approximately 24 hours to recharge a merely 20% of voting power after the HardFork 19, once i reach 100%, you will see the upvote automatically. No worries, just keep sharing the good work and never worry about votes.
When a person is commenting on your post, it means you are writing good, it also points you will stand from the crown soon. Good Luck :)

yea sorry for venting, but you know you don't have to give a fully vote right, you can give a half vote thereby getting twice the votes a day, or a tenth of a vote and get 10 times the votes

That option is not yet activated for me as i dont have 1 Million or so vests. looking forward the day when i will be able to do so.

opps I've been telling people that, now I feel like a rich asshole. heres a bigger vote

You would be in top 1500 persons of steemit. haha, I am looking forward that day too, buying steem every week from salary. I am not a writer, i am a reader here, and this vote limitation has screwed me. i wish there should be an option at the time of creation READER/Writer.

One more problem is I normally read steemit posts all day but have only damn 10 votes per day to cast, i miss the old times of 40 votes per day very much :(