Cant believe i missed that stream.. today was so hectic! I'm going 3,000$ in on steam just to have to think less and holding my whole portfolio through the Segwit! Im going to blog a case study like you:
Should be interesting because I'm going to leverage the 3,000$ of my credit card line that's interest free for the next 219, days on a 239 loan ! Could be an interesting #leapoffaith on bitconnect loans with free money.
Then I'm guna then focus on Steem with your how to series:
until bitcoin breaches 3k
hopefully then i can blog and help my peoples out too like you
series looks awesome.. all your shit
thanks bro.. o n btw i kno what you mean bout the hair.. Never cut the dreads! Samson and Delila.. plus it helps babylon hate on your success.
I'm @theotherareas on youtube, the crystal ball who always asking the bright questions and the homie suggested finally you reconnect your live stream when you mic was off the other day hahahah (told you) .. show me love vro. I'm following ur stepzzz like a trezombie...
soon hopefully ill get some off that hard worker kick down luv from you.. check my blog n my memes bro, I'm steem-eme-ing !
I broke my leg and started my whole crypto journey july at the last 2700 mark was my first buy in .. I been watching your lives everyday since then.
**** 3,000$ on BITCONNECT not Steem