SKiLLz Coinbase Rant 😡

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

 I have been trying to get my wife to invest in crytocurrencies for months now. I used bitcoin as an example when explaining to her that if we'd purchased bitcoin a couple of years ago when it was selling at $200 per, we'd be sitting pretty quaint right 'bout now. She was of course skeptical as all women are ...of EVERYTHING! (i.e. manual tranny cars; "So, your sayyyyin, I push the clutch thingy and change the gears, blah blah, and it's a BETTER driving experience and saves gas...suuuuure") Guys, ya know exactly what I'm talking about.

     I knew I must venture down the fiat money hole in order to explain the reason for investment in bitcoin. Of course the main selling point is breaking away from the monetary choke hold of the fat-cat banks. This wasn't hard to achieve considering her job gave her a MasterCard that her salary is deposited on, so no bank needed...however, ATM fees rack up which means it's still costing to spend money SHE earned! Add those ATM fee's to tax exemptions and I'm on my way to a Ferrari dealership stat! 

     Here I was...(suspense building...), on the verge of getting her to finally agree to make her first Bitcoin purchase. Being as I already have an existing Coinbase account I decided to make her first purchase there. So, she agreed to make a small purchase of just $50 USD of BTC, roughly .02007. I logged in went to purchase and scanned her debit card and was prompted that they are not accepting pay-load or pre-loaded debit cards! Ummm K, so I said to myself, "Self, what else can we/I use?" Myself never answered, he's a prick like that. Anybreezy, I noticed I could change payment options to Paypal, BOOM! Back in bizz, or so I thought (Baaa Dumm: insert dramatic tone here). 

     Let me be the first to say, adding Paypal to your payment options on Coinbase is not hard but not a simple log in via Paypal either. I first was prompted to take a front and back picture of my ID, secretly wishing my hair had been combed that day I reluctantly obeyed, and then it went through a 4 minute verification process. Yay....done. Then from Coinbase I logged into Paypal and yet wasn't given the option to purchase Bitcoin at all! WTFinance?! Nope, apparently you can cash out your Bitcoin and it can be deposited into Paypal in USD. I refrain from throwing something or yelling because guys, this shows weakness to your wife, Boo, Baby Mama...etc. and it's an absolute confirmation she was not only right about something but she is indeed a Goddess of the Financial Universe that knows better than to invest in silly Bitcoin that has made 350% gains in the past 3 years. 

     Ok, so, now to the nuts and bolts of this Coinbase machinery. You must have a bank account with a debit card or bank account which to make a wire transfer from. My wife, while proudly waving her trophy of hazelnut coffee this morning says, " So...what your saying...<sip> <sluuuurp> in order to break away from the horrible government controlled evil devil of financial destruction (the bank), you must first get a bank account and keep said bank account in order to make future purchases from Coinbase...riiiight?"

      Now, see my frustration guys? Soooo, I'm asking anyone with more experience with Coinbase, is this all there is to way to avoid banks at all aye? If so does anyone know of any other platform to which I can purchase BTC, LTC, Etherium ..etc without having my wife to get an account and beg the teller for HER OWN MONEY? Not to mention the fact the banks charge to hold your money...just to park it in digital form there...ugggh, not gonna even start. Please, does anyone have any thoughts on this? 


Thanks @skillz

Quick Learner! :)

You have been PROMOTED FREE for using the "newcomers" TAG (hashtag)

Avoid coinbase. The service at Coinbase is lousy. There are better places to go. Lets make America great again. Lets get rid of Coinbase they are a disgrace.